21 functions implement hook_load()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

actions_load in drupal-6.x/includes/actions.inc
Retrieve a single action from the database.
aggregator_category_load in drupal-6.x/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Load an aggregator category.
aggregator_feed_items_load in drupal-6.x/modules/aggregator/aggregator.pages.inc
Load feed items by passing a SQL query.
aggregator_feed_load in drupal-6.x/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Load an aggregator feed.
book_link_load in drupal-6.x/modules/book/book.module
Like menu_link_load(), but adds additional data from the {book} table.
contact_load in drupal-6.x/modules/contact/contact.module
Load the data for a single contact category.
drupal_load in drupal-6.x/includes/bootstrap.inc
Includes a file with the provided type and name. This prevents including a theme, engine, module, etc., more than once.
filter_format_load in drupal-6.x/modules/filter/filter.module
forum_load in drupal-6.x/modules/forum/forum.module
Implementation of hook_load().
forum_term_load in drupal-6.x/modules/forum/forum.module
Fetch a forum term.
menu_link_load in drupal-6.x/includes/menu.inc
Get a menu link by its mlid, access checked and link translated for rendering.
menu_load in drupal-6.x/modules/menu/menu.module
Load the data for a single custom menu.
node_load in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.module
Load a node object from the database.
path_load in drupal-6.x/modules/path/path.module
Fetch a specific URL alias from the database.
poll_load in drupal-6.x/modules/poll/poll.module
Implementation of hook_load().
taxonomy_vocabulary_load in drupal-6.x/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Return the vocabulary object matching a vocabulary ID.
upload_load in drupal-6.x/modules/upload/upload.module
user_category_load in drupal-6.x/modules/user/user.module
Return a user object after checking if any profile category in the path exists.
user_external_load in drupal-6.x/modules/user/user.module
user_load in drupal-6.x/modules/user/user.module
Fetch a user object.
user_uid_optional_load in drupal-6.x/modules/user/user.module
Load either a specified or the current user account.