10 calls to conf_path()

conf_init in drupal-6.x/includes/bootstrap.inc
Loads the configuration and sets the base URL, cookie domain, and session name correctly.
drupal_get_filename in drupal-6.x/includes/bootstrap.inc
Returns and optionally sets the filename for a system item (module, theme, etc.). The filename, whether provided, cached, or retrieved from the database, is only returned if the file exists.
drupal_rewrite_settings in drupal-6.x/includes/install.inc
Read settings.php into a buffer line by line, changing values specified in $settings array, then over-writing the old settings.php file.
drupal_system_listing in drupal-6.x/includes/common.inc
Return an array of system file objects.
file_directory_path in drupal-6.x/includes/file.inc
Determine the default 'files' directory.
install_change_settings in drupal-6.x/install.php
Configure and rewrite settings.php.
install_check_requirements in drupal-6.x/install.php
Check installation requirements and report any errors.
install_tasks in drupal-6.x/install.php
Tasks performed after the database is initialized.
install_verify_settings in drupal-6.x/install.php
Verify existing settings.php
system_requirements in drupal-6.x/modules/system/system.install
Implementation of hook_requirements().