comment_form_alter in drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
comment_link in drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module
Implementation of hook_link().
comment_links in drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module
Build command links for a comment (e.g.\ edit, reply, delete) with respect to the current user's access permissions.
comment_nodeapi in drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
comment_render in drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module
Renders comment(s).
comment_reply in drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.pages.inc
This function is responsible for generating a comment reply form. There are several cases that have to be handled, including:
comment_save in drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module
Accepts a submission of new or changed comment content.
_blogapi_mt_extra in drupal-6.x/modules/blogapi/blogapi.module
Handles extra information sent by clients according to MovableType's spec.