9 calls to node_invoke()

hook_update_index in documentation-6.x/developer/hooks/core.php
Update Drupal's full-text index for this module.
node_build_content in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.module
Builds a structured array representing the node's content.
node_delete in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.module
Delete a node.
node_feed in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.module
A generic function for generating RSS feeds from a set of nodes.
node_form in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.pages.inc
Generate the node add/edit form array.
node_load in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.module
Load a node object from the database.
node_object_prepare in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.pages.inc
node_save in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.module
Save a node object into the database.
node_validate in drupal-6.x/modules/node/node.module
Perform validation checks on the given node.