41 calls to drupal_attributes()

DrupalAttributesUnitTest::testDrupalAttributes in drupal-7.x/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests that drupal_html_class() cleans the class name properly.
format_xml_elements in drupal-7.x/includes/common.inc
Formats XML elements.
l in drupal-7.x/includes/common.inc
Formats an internal or external URL link as an HTML anchor tag.
node_feed in drupal-7.x/modules/node/node.module
Generates and prints an RSS feed.
template_preprocess_user_profile_category in drupal-7.x/modules/user/user.pages.inc
Process variables for user-profile-category.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_user_profile_item in drupal-7.x/modules/user/user.pages.inc
Process variables for user-profile-item.tpl.php.
template_process in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Adds helper variables derived from variables defined during preprocessing.
template_process_field in drupal-7.x/modules/field/field.module
Theme process function for theme_field() and field.tpl.php.
theme_button in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a button form element.
theme_checkbox in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a checkbox form element.
theme_checkboxes in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a set of checkbox form elements.
theme_container in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML to wrap child elements in a container.
theme_date in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a date selection form element.
theme_fieldset in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a fieldset form element and its children.
theme_file in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a file upload form element.
theme_file_managed_file in drupal-7.x/modules/file/file.module
Returns HTML for a managed file element.
theme_filter_guidelines in drupal-7.x/modules/filter/filter.module
Returns HTML for guidelines for a text format.
theme_form in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a form.
theme_form_element in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a form element.
theme_form_element_label in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a form element label and required marker.
theme_form_required_marker in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a marker for required form elements.
theme_hidden in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a hidden form element.
theme_html_tag in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML for a generic HTML tag with attributes.
theme_image in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML for an image.
theme_image_button in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for an image button form element.
theme_item_list in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML for a list or nested list of items.
theme_link in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML for a link.
theme_links in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML for a set of links.
theme_menu_link in drupal-7.x/includes/menu.inc
Returns HTML for a menu link and submenu.
theme_pager_link in drupal-7.x/includes/pager.inc
Returns HTML for a link to a specific query result page.
theme_password in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a password form element.
theme_radio in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a radio button form element.
theme_radios in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a set of radio button form elements.
theme_rdf_metadata in drupal-7.x/modules/rdf/rdf.module
Returns HTML for a series of empty spans for exporting RDF metadata in RDFa.
theme_rdf_template_variable_wrapper in drupal-7.x/modules/rdf/rdf.module
Returns HTML for a template variable wrapped in an HTML element with the RDF attributes.
theme_select in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a select form element.
theme_table in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML for a table.
theme_textarea in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a textarea form element.
theme_textfield in drupal-7.x/includes/form.inc
Returns HTML for a textfield form element.
theme_username in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML for a username, potentially linked to the user's page.
_theme_table_cell in drupal-7.x/includes/theme.inc
Returns HTML output for a single table cell for theme_table().