function db_query

7.x db_query($query, array $args = array(), array $options = array())
6.x db_query($query)
6.x db_query($query)

Executes an arbitrary query string against the active database.

Use this function for SELECT queries if it is just a simple query string. If the caller or other modules need to change the query, use db_select() instead.

Do not use this function for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries. Those should be handled via db_insert(), db_update() and db_delete() respectively.


$query: The prepared statement query to run. Although it will accept both named and unnamed placeholders, named placeholders are strongly preferred as they are more self-documenting.

$args: An array of values to substitute into the query. If the query uses named placeholders, this is an associative array in any order. If the query uses unnamed placeholders (?), this is an indexed array and the order must match the order of placeholders in the query string.

$options: An array of options to control how the query operates.

Return value

DatabaseStatementInterface A prepared statement object, already executed.

See also


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actions_get_all_actions in drupal-7.x/includes/
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drupal-7.x/includes/database/, line 2343
Core systems for the database layer.


function db_query($query, array $args = array(), array $options = array()) {
  if (empty($options['target'])) {
    $options['target'] = 'default';

  return Database::getConnection($options['target'])->query($query, $args, $options);