abstract public function DatabaseSchema::indexExists

7.x schema.inc abstract public DatabaseSchema::indexExists($table, $name)

Checks if an index exists in the given table.


$table: The name of the table in drupal (no prefixing).

$name: The name of the index in drupal (no prefixing).

Return value

TRUE if the given index exists, otherwise FALSE.

3 methods override DatabaseSchema::indexExists()
DatabaseSchema_mysql::indexExists in drupal-7.x/includes/database/mysql/schema.inc
Checks if an index exists in the given table.
DatabaseSchema_pgsql::indexExists in drupal-7.x/includes/database/pgsql/schema.inc
Checks if an index exists in the given table.
DatabaseSchema_sqlite::indexExists in drupal-7.x/includes/database/sqlite/schema.inc
Checks if an index exists in the given table.


drupal-7.x/includes/database/schema.inc, line 486
Generic Database schema code.




abstract public function indexExists($table, $name);