function BlockHashTestCase::testBlockRehash

7.x block.test BlockHashTestCase::testBlockRehash()

Tests that block rehashing does not write to the database too often.


drupal-7.x/modules/block/block.test, line 922
Tests for block.module.


Tests that block rehashing works correctly.


function testBlockRehash() {
  // No hook_block_info_alter(), no save.
  module_enable(array('block_test'), FALSE);
  // Save the new blocks, check that the new blocks exist by checking weight.
  // Now hook_block_info_alter() exists but no blocks are saved on a second
  // rehash.
  // Now hook_block_info_alter() exists and is changing one block which
  // should be saved.
  $GLOBALS['conf']['block_test_info_alter'] = 1;
  // Now hook_block_info_alter() exists but already changed the block's
  // weight before, so it should not be saved again.