public function FieldInfo::getInstances

7.x public FieldInfo::getInstances($entity_type = NULL)

Retrieves all active, non-deleted instances definitions.


$entity_type: (optional) The entity type.

Return value

If $entity_type is not set, all instances keyed by entity type and bundle name. If $entity_type is set, all instances for that entity type, keyed by bundle name.


drupal-7.x/modules/field/, line 203


Provides field and instance definitions for the current runtime environment.


public function getInstances($entity_type = NULL) {
  // If the full list is not present in "static" cache yet.
  if (!$this->loadedAllInstances) {

    // Read from persistent cache.
    if ($cached = cache_get('field_info:instances', 'cache_field')) {
      $this->bundleInstances = $cached->data;
    else {
      // Collect and prepare instances.

      // We also need to populate the static field cache, since it will not
      // be set by subsequent getBundleInstances() calls.

      // Initialize empty arrays for all existing entity types and bundles.
      // This is not strictly needed, but is done to preserve the behavior of
      // field_info_instances() before
      foreach (field_info_bundles() as $existing_entity_type => $bundles) {
        foreach ($bundles as $bundle => $bundle_info) {
          $this->bundleInstances[$existing_entity_type][$bundle] = array();

      foreach (field_read_instances() as $instance) {
        $field = $this->getField($instance['field_name']);
        $instance = $this->prepareInstance($instance, $field['type']);
        $this->bundleInstances[$instance['entity_type']][$instance['bundle']][$instance['field_name']] = $instance;

      // Store in persistent cache.
      cache_set('field_info:instances', $this->bundleInstances, 'cache_field');

    $this->loadedAllInstances = TRUE;

  if (isset($entity_type)) {
    return isset($this->bundleInstances[$entity_type]) ? $this->bundleInstances[$entity_type] : array();
  else {
    return $this->bundleInstances;