function LocaleUrlRewritingTest::testUrlRewritingEdgeCases

7.x locale.test LocaleUrlRewritingTest::testUrlRewritingEdgeCases()

Check that disabled or non-installed languages are not considered.


drupal-7.x/modules/locale/locale.test, line 2591
Tests for locale.module.


Test that URL rewriting works as expected.


function testUrlRewritingEdgeCases() {
  // Check URL rewriting with a disabled language.
  $languages = language_list();
  $this->checkUrl($languages['it'], 'Path language is ignored if language is disabled.', 'URL language negotiation does not work with disabled languages');

  // Check URL rewriting with a non-installed language.
  $non_existing = language_default();
  $non_existing->language = $this->randomName();
  $non_existing->prefix = $this->randomName();
  $this->checkUrl($non_existing, 'Path language is ignored if language is not installed.', 'URL language negotiation does not work with non-installed languages');