function BootstrapMiscTestCase::testCheckMemoryLimit

7.x bootstrap.test BootstrapMiscTestCase::testCheckMemoryLimit()

Tests that the drupal_check_memory_limit() function works as expected.


drupal-7.x/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test, line 478


Test miscellaneous functions in


function testCheckMemoryLimit() {
  $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
  // Test that a very reasonable amount of memory is available.
  $this->assertTrue(drupal_check_memory_limit('30MB'), '30MB of memory tested available.');

  // Get the available memory and multiply it by two to make it unreasonably
  // high.
  $twice_avail_memory = ($memory_limit * 2) . 'MB';

  // The function should always return true if the memory limit is set to -1.
  $this->assertTrue(drupal_check_memory_limit($twice_avail_memory, -1), 'drupal_check_memory_limit() returns TRUE when a limit of -1 (none) is supplied');

  // Test that even though we have 30MB of memory available - the function
  // returns FALSE when given an upper limit for how much memory can be used.
  $this->assertFalse(drupal_check_memory_limit('30MB', '16MB'), 'drupal_check_memory_limit() returns FALSE with a 16MB upper limit on a 30MB requirement.');

  // Test that an equal amount of memory to the amount requested returns TRUE.
  $this->assertTrue(drupal_check_memory_limit('30MB', '30MB'), 'drupal_check_memory_limit() returns TRUE when requesting 30MB on a 30MB requirement.');