function UpdateCoreUnitTestCase::testUpdateBuildFetchUrl

7.x update.test UpdateCoreUnitTestCase::testUpdateBuildFetchUrl()

Tests that _update_build_fetch_url() builds the URL correctly.


drupal-7.x/modules/update/update.test, line 766
This file contains tests for the Update Manager module.


Tests update functionality unrelated to the database.


function testUpdateBuildFetchUrl() {
  //first test that we didn't break the trivial case
  $project['name'] = 'update_test';
  $project['project_type'] = '';
  $project['info']['version'] = '';
  $project['info']['project status url'] = '';
  $project['includes'] = array('module1' => 'Module 1', 'module2' => 'Module 2');
  $site_key = '';
  $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
  $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
  $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "'$url' when no site_key provided should be '$expected'.");

  //For disabled projects it shouldn't add the site key either.
  $site_key = 'site_key';
  $project['project_type'] = 'disabled';
  $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
  $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
  $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "'$url' should be '$expected' for disabled projects.");

  //for enabled projects, adding the site key
  $project['project_type'] = '';
  $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
  $expected .= '?site_key=site_key';
  $expected .= '&list=' . rawurlencode('module1,module2');
  $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
  $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "When site_key provided, '$url' should be '$expected'.");

  // test incorrect logic when URL contains
  // a question mark.
  $project['info']['project status url'] = '';
  $expected = '' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
  $expected .= '&site_key=site_key';
  $expected .= '&list=' . rawurlencode('module1,module2');
  $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
  $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "When ? is present, '$url' should be '$expected'.");
