function UserAuthmapAssignmentTestCase::testAuthmapAssignment

7.x user.test UserAuthmapAssignmentTestCase::testAuthmapAssignment()

Test authmap assignment and retrieval.


drupal-7.x/modules/user/user.test, line 2281
Tests for user.module.


Unit test for authmap assignment.


function testAuthmapAssignment() {
  $account = $this->drupalCreateUser();

  // Assign authmaps to the user.
  $authmaps = array(
    'authname_poll' => 'external username one',
    'authname_book' => 'external username two',
  user_set_authmaps($account, $authmaps);

  // Test for expected authmaps.
  $expected_authmaps = array(
    'external username one' => array(
      'poll' => 'external username one',
    'external username two' => array(
      'book' => 'external username two',
  foreach ($expected_authmaps as $authname => $expected_output) {
    $this->assertIdentical(user_get_authmaps($authname), $expected_output, format_string('Authmap for authname %authname was set correctly.', array('%authname' => $authname)));

  // Remove authmap for module poll, add authmap for module blog.
  $authmaps = array(
    'authname_poll' => NULL,
    'authname_blog' => 'external username three',
  user_set_authmaps($account, $authmaps);

  // Assert that external username one does not have authmaps.
  $remove_username = 'external username one';
  $this->assertFalse(user_get_authmaps($remove_username), format_string('Authmap for %authname was removed.', array('%authname' => $remove_username)));

  // Assert that a new authmap was created for external username three, and
  // existing authmaps for external username two were unchanged.
  $expected_authmaps['external username three'] = array('blog' => 'external username three');
  foreach ($expected_authmaps as $authname => $expected_output) {
    $this->assertIdentical(user_get_authmaps($authname), $expected_output, format_string('Authmap for authname %authname was set correctly.', array('%authname' => $authname)));