function tripal_bulk_loader_job_describe_args

2.x tripal_bulk_loader.module tripal_bulk_loader_job_describe_args($callback, $args)
3.x tripal_bulk_loader.module tripal_bulk_loader_job_describe_args($callback, $args)
1.x tripal_bulk_loader.module tripal_bulk_loader_job_describe_args($callback, $args)

Implements hook_job_describe_args() Specifically to make viewing past tripal jobs more readable for jobs registered by this module

@params $callback The callback passed into tripal_add_job()


$args: The arguments passed into tripal_add_job()

Return value

An array where keys are the human readable headers describing each arguement and the value is the aguement passed in after formatting

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tripal_bulk_loader/tripal_bulk_loader.module, line 470
Provides general functions for the tripal bulk loader.


function tripal_bulk_loader_job_describe_args($callback, $args) {

  $new_args = array();
  if ($callback == 'tripal_bulk_loader_load_data') {
    //1st arg is the nid for a bulk loader node
    $node = node_load($args[0]);
    $new_args['Bulk Loading Job'] = l($node->title, 'node/' . $args[0]);
    return $new_args;
