7 calls to chado_is_local()

chado_get_version in tripal_core/api/tripal_core.chado_schema.api.inc
Returns the version number of the currently installed Chado instance. It can return the real or effective version. Note, this function is executed in the hook_init() of the tripal_core module which then sets theā€¦
chado_is_installed in tripal_core/api/tripal_core.chado_schema.api.inc
Check whether chado is installed (either in the same or a different database)
tripal_core_chado_schema_exists in tripal_core/api/tripal_core.DEPRECATED.api.inc
tripal_core_is_chado_local in tripal_core/api/tripal_core.DEPRECATED.api.inc
tripal_core_set_globals in tripal_core/tripal_core.module
This function is used to set the global Chado variables
tripal_make_view_compatible_with_external in tripal_views/api/tripal_views.api.inc
Remove any drupal fields from a chado-based default view definition if chado is external. This ensures compatibility with an external chado database.
tripal_views_views_data_alter in tripal_views/tripal_views.views.inc
Implements hook_views_data_alter(). Used to add Chado <-> Node Joins & Relationships since you need to add to the $data['node'] to do this