function tripal_get_files_dir

2.x tripal_get_files_dir($module_name = FALSE)
3.x tripal_get_files_dir($module_name = FALSE)

Retreives the Drupal relative directory for a Tripal module.

Each Tripal module has a unique data directory which was created using the tripal_create_files_dir function during installation. This function retrieves the directory path.

@returns The path within the Drupal installation where the data directory resides


$module_name: (Optional) The name of the module.

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tripal_create_files_dir in tripal_core/api/
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tripal_file_directory_path in tripal_core/api/
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2 string references to 'tripal_get_files_dir'
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tripal_core/api/, line 82
Provides an application programming interface (API) for managing files within the Tripal data directory structure.


function tripal_get_files_dir($module_name = FALSE) {

  // Build the directory path.
  $data_dir = variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files/tripal');

  // If a module name is provided then append the module directory.
  if ($module_name) {
    $data_dir .= "/$module_name";

    // Make sure the directory exists.


  return $data_dir;