function tripal_core_insert_property

2.x tripal_core_insert_property($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name, $value, $update_if_present = 0)
3.x tripal_core_insert_property($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name, $value, $update_if_present = 0)
1.x tripal_core_insert_property($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name, $value, $update_if_present = 0)

Insert a property for a given base table. By default if the property already exists a new property is added with the next available rank. If $update_if_present argument is specified then the record will be updated if it exists rather than adding a new property.


$basetable: The base table for which the property should be inserted. Thus to insert a property for a feature the basetable=feature and property is inserted into featureprop

$record_id: The foriegn key value of the base table. This should be in integer.

$property: The cvterm name describing the type of properties to be inserted

$cv_name: The name of the cv that the above cvterm is part of

$value: The value of the property to be inserted (can be empty)

$update_if_present: A boolean indicating whether an existing record should be updated. If the property already exists and this value is not specified or is zero then a new property will be added with the next largest rank.

Return value

Return True on Insert/Update and False otherwise

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... See full list


tripal_core/api/, line 2621
The Tripal Core API


function tripal_core_insert_property($basetable, $record_id, $property, 
$cv_name, $value, $update_if_present = 0) {

  // first see if the property already exists, if the user want's to update
  // then we can do that, but otherwise we want to increment the rank and
  // insert
  $props = tripal_core_get_property($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name);
  if (!is_array($props) and $props) {
    $props = array($props);

  $rank = 0;
  if (count($props) > 0) {
    if ($update_if_present) {
      return tripal_core_update_property($basetable, $record_id, $property, $cv_name, $value);
    else {
      // iterate through the properties returned and check to see if the
      // property with this value already exists if not, get the largest rank
      // and insert the same property but with this new value
      foreach ($props as $p) {
        if ($p->rank > $rank) {
          $rank = $p->rank;
        if (strcmp($p->value, $value) == 0) {
          return TRUE;
      // now add 1 to the rank

  // make sure the cvterm exists.  Otherwise we'll get an error with
  // prepared statements not matching
  $values = array(
    'cv_id' => array(
      'name' => $cv_name,
    'name' => $property,

  $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_cvterm_cv');
  $term = tripal_core_chado_select('cvterm', array('cvterm_id'), $values, $options);
  if (!$term or count($term) == 0) {
    watchdog('tripal_core', "Cannot find property '%prop_name'.", 
    array('%prop_name' => $property), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;

  // get the foreign key for this property table
  $table_desc = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($basetable . 'prop');
  $fkcol = key($table_desc['foreign keys'][$basetable]['columns']);

  // construct the array of values to be inserted
  $values = array(
    $fkcol => $record_id,
    'type_id' => array(
      'cv_id' => array(
        'name' => $cv_name,
      'name' => $property,
    'value' => $value,
    'rank' => $rank,

  $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_' . $basetable . 'prop_' . substr($fkcol, 0, 2) . 'tyvara');
  $result = tripal_core_chado_insert($basetable . 'prop', $values, $options);
  return $result;