function tripal_add_job

2.x tripal_add_job($job_name, $modulename, $callback, $arguments, $uid, $priority = 10)
3.x tripal_add_job($job_name, $modulename, $callback, $arguments, $uid, $priority = 10, $includes = array(), $ignore_duplicate = FALSE)
1.x tripal_add_job($job_name, $modulename, $callback, $arguments, $uid, $priority = 10)

Adds a job to the Tripal Jbo queue

 $args = array($dfile, $organism_id, $type, $library_id, $re_name, $re_uname,
       $re_accession, $db_id, $rel_type, $re_subject, $parent_type, $method,
        $user->uid, $analysis_id, $match_type);

tripal_add_job("Import FASTA file: $dfile", 'tripal_feature',
  'tripal_feature_load_fasta', $args, $user->uid);

The code above is copied from the tripal_feature/fasta_loader.php file. The snipped first builds an array of arguments that will then be passed to the tripal_add_job function. The number of arguments provided in the $arguments variable should match the argument set for the callback function provided as the third argument.


$job_name: The human readable name for the job

$modulename: The name of the module adding the job

$callback: The name of a function to be called when the job is executed

$arguments: An array of arguements to be passed on to the callback

$uid: The uid of the user adding the job

$priority: The priority at which to run the job where the highest priority is 10 and the lowest priority is 1. The default priority is 10.

Return value

The job_id of the registered job

Example usage:

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tripal_core/api/, line 64
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function tripal_add_job($job_name, $modulename, $callback, $arguments, $uid, $priority = 10) {

  // convert the arguments into a string for storage in the database
  $args = implode("::", $arguments);
  $record = new stdClass();
  $record->job_name = $job_name;
  $record->modulename = $modulename;
  $record->callback = $callback;
  $record->status = 'Waiting';
  $record->submit_date = time();
  $record->uid = $uid;
  $record->priority = $priority; # the lower the number the higher the priority
  if ($args) {
    $record->arguments = $args;
  if (drupal_write_record('tripal_jobs', $record)) {
    $jobs_url = url("admin/tripal/tripal_jobs");
    drupal_set_message(t("Job '%job_name' submitted.  Check the <a href='!jobs_url'>jobs page</a> for status", array('%job_name' => $job_name, '!jobs_url' => $jobs_url)));
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t("Failed to add job %job_name.", array('%job_name' => $job_name)), 'error');

  return $record->job_id;