function tripal_jobs_report

2.x tripal_jobs_report()
3.x tripal_jobs_report()
1.x tripal_jobs_report()

Returns the Tripal Job Report

Return value

The HTML to be rendered which describes the job report

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tripal_core/includes/, line 73
Contains functions related to the display of Tripal jobs in a Tripal website.


function tripal_jobs_report() {

  // run the following function which will
  // change the status of jobs that have errored out

  $job_status = $_SESSION['tripal_job_filter']['job_status'];
  $job_name = $_SESSION['tripal_job_filter']['job_name'];

  $sql = "
      TJ.status as job_status, TJ,submit_date,TJ.start_time,
      TJ.end_time,TJ.priority, as username
    FROM {tripal_jobs} TJ
      INNER JOIN {users} U on TJ.uid = U.uid 
    WHERE 1=1 
  $args = array();
  if ($job_status) {
    $sql .= "AND TJ.status = '%s' ";
    $args[] = $job_status;
  if ($job_name) {
    $sql .= "AND TJ.job_name like '%%%s%%'";
    $args[] = $job_name;
  $sql .= "ORDER BY job_id DESC";

  $jobs = pager_query($sql, 25, 0, "SELECT count(*) FROM ($sql) as t1", $args);
  $header = array(
    'Job ID',
    'Job Name',
    array('data' => 'Dates', 'style' => "white-space: nowrap"),
  $rows = array();

  // iterate through the jobs
  while ($job = db_fetch_object($jobs)) {
    $submit = tripal_jobs_get_submit_date($job);
    $start = tripal_jobs_get_start_time($job);
    $end = tripal_jobs_get_end_time($job);
    $cancel_link = '';
    if ($job->start_time == 0 and $job->end_time == 0) {
      $cancel_link = "<a href=\"" . url("admin/tripal/tripal_jobs/cancel/" . $job->job_id) . "\">Cancel</a><br />";
    $rerun_link = "<a href=\"" . url("admin/tripal/tripal_jobs/rerun/" . $job->job_id) . "\">Re-run</a><br />";
    $view_link = "<a href=\"" . url("admin/tripal/tripal_jobs/view/" . $job->job_id) . "\">View</a>";
    $rows[] = array(
      "Submit Date: $submit<br>Start Time: $start<br>End Time: $end",
      $job->progress . '%',
      "$cancel_link $rerun_link $view_link",

  // create the report page
  $output .= "Waiting jobs are executed first by priority level (the lower the " .
    "number the higher the priority) and second by the order they " .
    "were entered";
  $output .= drupal_get_form('tripal_jobs_report_form');
  $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
  $output .= theme_pager();
  return $output;