6 calls to tripal_cv_get_cvterm_by_name()

chado_feature_validate in tripal_feature/tripal_feature.module
tripal_contact_add_contact in tripal_contact/api/tripal_contact.api.inc
Adds a contact to the Chado contact table
tripal_pub_add_publication in tripal_pub/api/tripal_pub.api.inc
Adds a new publication to the Chado, along with all properties and database cross-references. If the publication does not already exist in Chado then it is added. If it does exist nothing is done. If the $update parameter is TRUE then theā€¦
tripal_pub_PMID_parse_publication_type in tripal_pub/includes/importers/PMID.inc
tripal_stock_add_ONE_property_form in tripal_stock/includes/tripal_stock-properties.inc
tripal_stock_add_ONE_property_form_validate in tripal_stock/includes/tripal_stock-properties.inc