11 calls to tripal_insert_obo()

tripal_contact_install in tripal_contact/tripal_contact.install
Implementation of hook_install().
tripal_contact_update_7202 in tripal_contact/tripal_contact.install
Updates path of tripal_contact OBO to be relative.
tripal_cv_add_obo_ref in tripal_cv/api/tripal_cv.DEPRECATED.inc
tripal_cv_install in tripal_cv/tripal_cv.install
Implementation of hook_install().
tripal_cv_load_obo_v1_2_file in tripal_cv/includes/tripal_cv.obo_loader.inc
A wrapper function for importing the user specified OBO file into Chado by specifying the filename and path of the OBO. It requires that the file be in OBO v1.2 compatible format. This function is typically executed via the Tripal jobs management…
tripal_cv_load_obo_v1_2_url in tripal_cv/includes/tripal_cv.obo_loader.inc
A wrapper function for importing the user specified OBO file into Chado by specifying the remote URL of the OBO. It requires that the file be in OBO v1.2 compatible format. This function is typically executed via the Tripal jobs management after a…
tripal_feature_install in tripal_feature/tripal_feature.install
Implements hook_install().
tripal_organism_install in tripal_organism/tripal_organism.install
Implementation of hook_install().
tripal_organism_update_7201 in tripal_organism/tripal_organism.install
Adds the taxonomic rank vocabulary.
tripal_pub_install in tripal_pub/tripal_pub.install
Implementation of hook_install().
tripal_pub_update_7202 in tripal_pub/tripal_pub.install
Updates path of tripal_pub OBO to be relative.