function tripal_cv_load_update_cvtermpath

2.x tripal_cv_load_update_cvtermpath($newcvs, $jobid)
1.x tripal_cv_load_update_cvtermpath($newcvs, $jobid)

A function for executing the cvtermpath function of Chado. This function populates the cvtermpath table of Chado for quick lookup of term relationships


$newcvs: An associative array of controlled vocabularies to update. The key must be the name of the vocabulary and the value the cv_id from the cv table of chado.

$jobid: The job_id of the job from the Tripal jobs management system.

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function tripal_cv_load_update_cvtermpath($newcvs, $jobid) {

  print "\nUpdating cvtermpath table.  This may take a while...\n";
  foreach ($newcvs as $namespace => $cvid) {
    tripal_update_cvtermpath($cvid, $jobid);