6 calls to tripal_insert_db()

tripal_cv_load_obo_v1_2 in tripal_cv/includes/tripal_cv.obo_loader.inc
Imports a given OBO file into Chado. This function is usually called by one of three wrapper functions: tripal_cv_load_obo_v1_2_id, tripal_cv_load_obo_v1_2_file or tirpal_cv_load_obo_v1_2_url. But, it can be called directly if the full path to an…
tripal_cv_obo_add_cvterm_dbxref in tripal_cv/includes/tripal_cv.obo_loader.inc
Adds a database reference to a cvterm
tripal_db_add_db in tripal_db/api/tripal_db.DEPRECATED.inc
tripal_example_add_dbs in tripal_example/tripal_example.install
Add cvs related to publications
tripal_insert_cvterm in tripal_cv/api/tripal_cv.api.inc
Add's a controlled vocabulary term to Chado.
tripal_pub_enable in tripal_pub/tripal_pub.install
Implements hook_enable().