function tripal_feature_add_cvterm

2.x tripal_feature_add_cvterm($feature_id, $cvname, $cvterm)
3.x tripal_feature_add_cvterm($feature_id, $cvname, $cvterm)
1.x tripal_feature_add_cvterm($feature_id, $cvname, $cvterm)


tripal_feature/api/, line 1089
Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with features


function tripal_feature_add_cvterm($feature_id, $cvname, $cvterm) {

  // make sure the cv exists. If it doesn't, then add it
  $values = array('name' => $cvname);
  $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_cv_na');
  $cv = tripal_core_chado_select('cv', array('cv_id'), $values, $options);
  if (!$cv or count($cv) == 0) {
    $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_cv_na');
    $success = tripal_core_chado_insert('cv', $values, $options);
    if (!$success) {
      watchdog('tripal_feature', 'tripal_feature_add_cvterm: The feature cvterm entry for feature, %feature_id, ". 
        "could not be added because the CV, %cvname, does not exist and cannot be added.', 
      array('%feature_id' => $feature_id, '%cvname' => $cvname), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
      return FALSE;

  // first make sure that the record doesn't already exist
  $values = array(
    'cvterm_id' => array(
      'name' => $cvterm,
      'cv_id' => array(
        'name' => $cvname
    'feature_id' => $feature_id,
    'pub_id' => 1,
  $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_featuredcvterm_cvfepu');
  $xref = tripal_core_chado_select('feature_cvterm', array('feature_cvterm_id'), $values, $options);
  if (count($xref) == 0) {
    // if the record doesn't exist then add it.
    $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_featurecvterm_cvfepu');
    $success = tripal_core_chado_insert('feature_cvterm', $values, $options);
    if (!$success) {
      watchdog('tripal_feature', 'tripal_feature_add_cvterm: The feature cvterm entry for feature, %feature_id, ' .
        'could not be added: %cvterm.', array('%feature_id' => $feature_id, '%cvterm' => $cvterm), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;