function tripal_views_add_node_relationship_to_chado_table_integration

1.x tripal_views_add_node_relationship_to_chado_table_integration($defn_array)

Adds the joins necessary to link a chado table to it's node counterpart


$defn_array: The current definition array for a given table

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tripal_views/api/, line 625
API functions for Tripal Views Integration


function tripal_views_add_node_relationship_to_chado_table_integration($defn_array) {
  $integrations[$defn_array['table']] = $defn_array;
  $primary_key = $defn_array['table'] . '_id';
  $chado_linking = 'chado_' . $defn_array['table'];

  if (empty($defn_array['table'])) {
    watchdog('tripal_views', 'Tried to add a node=>chado relationship for an empty table defn: %defn', 
    array('%defn' => print_r($defn_array, TRUE)), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
    return FALSE;

  // Add table.primary_key => chado_table.primary key join to $defn_array
  $integrations[$defn_array['table']]['fields'][$primary_key]['joins'][$chado_linking] = array(
    'table' => $chado_linking,
    'field' => $primary_key,

  // Create chado_table defn_array
  $integrations[$chado_linking] = array(
    'table' => $chado_linking,
    'type' => 'drupal',
    'name' => 'Chado ' . $defn_array['table'] . ' Node',
    'description' => 'Links chado content to its drupal node counterpart',
    'priority' => $defn_array['priority'],
    'base_table' => FALSE,
    'fields' => array(
      $primary_key => array(
        'name' => $primary_key,
        'title' => ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $primary_key)),
        'type' => 'int',
        'description' => 'The primary key of the chado ' . $defn_array['table'] . ' table',
        'handlers' => array(),
        'joins' => array(
          $defn_array['table'] => array(
            'table' => $defn_array['table'],
            'field' => $primary_key,
      'nid' => array(
        'name' => 'nid',
        'title' => 'Node ID',
        'type' => 'int',
        'description' => 'Link ' . ucfirst($defn_array['table']) . ' to it\'s node',
        'handlers' => array(
          'relationship' => array(
            'name' => 'chado_views_handler_relationship_to_node',
            'title' => ucfirst($defn_array['table']) . ' to Node',
            'label' => ucfirst($defn_array['table']) . ' to Node',
            'base table' => $defn_array['table'],
            'base field' => $primary_key
        'joins' => array(
          'node' => array(
            'table' => 'node',
            'field' => 'nid',

  // Create node defn_array
  $integrations['node'] = array(
    'table' => 'node',
    'name' => 'Node',
    'description' => 'Primary Drupal Content',
    'priority' => $defn_array['priority'],
    'additional_content' => TRUE, // Allows multiple modules to add to the node setup
    'fields' => array(
      'nid' => array(
        'name' => 'nid',
        'title' => 'Node ID',
        'type' => 'int',
        'description' => 'the primary key of the drupal node table',
        'handlers' => array(),
        'joins' => array(
          $defn_array['table'] => array(
            'table' => $defn_array['table'],
            'field' => 'nid',
          $chado_linking => array(
            'table' => $chado_linking,
            'field' => 'nid',

  return $integrations;