function tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup

2.x tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup($table_name)
1.x tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup($table_name)

Retrieve the views integration setup with the lightest priority for a given table

NOTE: Uses lightest priority (drupal-style) where the range is from -10 to 10 and -10 is of highest priority.


$table_name: The name of the table to retrieve the setup ID for. This can be either a materialized view or a chado table

Return value

On success, the setup_id to use for integration of this table; otherwise FALSE

Related topics

2 calls to tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup()
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tripal_views_is_lightest_priority_setup in tripal_views/api/
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tripal_views/api/, line 55
API functions for Tripal Views Integration


function tripal_views_get_lightest_priority_setup($table_name) {

  $sql = "SELECT setup_id FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name='%s' ORDER BY priority ASC";
  $setup = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $table_name));
  if ($setup) {
    return $setup->setup_id;
  else {
    return FALSE;