function PollJSAddChoice::testAddChoice
7.x poll.test | PollJSAddChoice::testAddChoice() |
Test adding a new choice.
- drupal-7.x/
modules/ poll/ poll.test, line 453 - Tests for poll.module.
- PollJSAddChoice
- Test adding new choices.
function testAddChoice() {
$web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('create poll content', 'access content'));
$edit = array(
"title" => $this->randomName(),
'choice[new:0][chtext]' => $this->randomName(),
'choice[new:1][chtext]' => $this->randomName(),
// Press 'add choice' button through Ajax, and place the expected HTML result
// as the tested content.
$commands = $this->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, array('op' => t('More choices')));
$this->content = $commands[1]['data'];
$this->assertFieldByName('choice[chid:0][chtext]', $edit['choice[new:0][chtext]'], format_string('Field !i found', array('!i' => 0)));
$this->assertFieldByName('choice[chid:1][chtext]', $edit['choice[new:1][chtext]'], format_string('Field !i found', array('!i' => 1)));
$this->assertFieldByName('choice[new:0][chtext]', '', format_string('Field !i found', array('!i' => 2)));