function HookBootExitTestCase::testHookBootExit

7.x bootstrap.test HookBootExitTestCase::testHookBootExit()

Test calling of hook_boot() and hook_exit().


drupal-7.x/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test, line 304


Test hook_boot() and hook_exit().


function testHookBootExit() {
  // Test with cache disabled. Boot and exit should always fire.
  variable_set('cache', 0);
  $calls = 1;
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_boot'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_boot called with disabled cache.'));
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_exit'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_exit called with disabled cache.'));

  // Test with normal cache. Boot and exit should be called.
  variable_set('cache', 1);
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_boot'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_boot called with normal cache.'));
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_exit'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_exit called with normal cache.'));

  // Boot and exit should not fire since the page is cached.
  variable_set('page_cache_invoke_hooks', FALSE);
  $this->assertTrue(cache_get(url('', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 'cache_page'), t('Page has been cached.'));
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_boot'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_boot not called with aggressive cache and a cached page.'));
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_exit'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_exit not called with aggressive cache and a cached page.'));

  // Test with page cache cleared, boot and exit should be called.
  $this->assertTrue(db_delete('cache_page')->execute(), t('Page cache cleared.'));
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_boot'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_boot called with aggressive cache and no cached page.'));
  $this->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type AND message = :message', array(':type' => 'system_test', ':message' => 'hook_exit'))->fetchField(), $calls, t('hook_exit called with aggressive cache and no cached page.'));