public function TripalEntityController::load

3.x public TripalEntityController::load($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $field_ids = array(), $cache = TRUE)

Override the load function.

A TripalEntity may have a large number of fields attached which may slow down the loading of pages and web services. Therefore, we only want to attach fields that are needed.


$ids: The list of entity IDs to load.

$conditions: The list of key/value filters for querying the entity.

$field_ids: The list of numeric field IDs for fields that should be attached.

$cache: When loading of entities they can be cached with Drupal for later faster loading. However, this can cause memory issues when running Tripal jobs that load lots of entities. Caching of entities can be disabled to improve memory performance by setting this to FALSE.


tripal/includes/, line 446


TripalEntityController extends DrupalDefaultEntityController.


public function load($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $field_ids = array(), $cache = TRUE) {

  $entities = array();

  // Revisions are not statically cached, and require a different query to
  // other conditions, so separate the revision id into its own variable.
  if ($this->revisionKey && isset($conditions[$this->revisionKey])) {
    $revision_id = $conditions[$this->revisionKey];
  else {
    $revision_id = FALSE;

  // Create a new variable which is either a prepared version of the $ids
  // array for later comparison with the entity cache, or FALSE if no $ids
  // were passed. The $ids array is reduced as items are loaded from cache,
  // and we need to know if it's empty for this reason to avoid querying the
  // database when all requested entities are loaded from cache.
  $passed_ids = !empty($ids) ? array_flip($ids) : FALSE;

  // Try to load entities from the static cache.
  if ($this->cache && !$revision_id) {
    $entities = $this->cacheGet($ids, $conditions);
    // If any entities were loaded, remove them from the ids still to load.
    if ($passed_ids) {
      $ids = array_keys(array_diff_key($passed_ids, $entities));

  // Support the entitycache module if activated.
  if (!empty($this->entityInfo['entity cache']) && !$revision_id && $ids && !$conditions) {
    $cached_entities = EntityCacheControllerHelper::entityCacheGet($this, $ids, $conditions);
    // If any entities were loaded, remove them from the ids still to load.
    $ids = array_diff($ids, array_keys($cached_entities));
    $entities += $cached_entities;

    // Add loaded entities to the static cache if we are not loading a
    // revision.
    if ($this->cache && !empty($cached_entities) && !$revision_id) {

  // Load any remaining entities from the database. This is the case if $ids
  // is set to FALSE (so we load all entities), if there are any ids left to
  // load or if loading a revision.
  if (!($this->cacheComplete && $ids === FALSE && !$conditions) && ($ids === FALSE || $ids || $revision_id)) {
    $queried_entities = array();
    foreach ($this->query($ids, $conditions, $revision_id) as $record) {
      // Skip entities already retrieved from cache.
      if (isset($entities[$record->{$this->idKey}])) {

      // For DB-based entities take care of serialized columns.
      if (!empty($this->entityInfo['base table'])) {
        $schema = drupal_get_schema($this->entityInfo['base table']);

        foreach ($schema['fields'] as $field => $info) {
          if (!empty($info['serialize']) && isset($record->$field)) {
            $record->$field = unserialize($record->$field);
            // Support automatic merging of 'data' fields into the entity.
            if (!empty($info['merge']) && is_array($record->$field)) {
              foreach ($record->$field as $key => $value) {
                $record->$key = $value;

      $queried_entities[$record->{$this->idKey}] = $record;

  // Pass all entities loaded from the database through $this->attachLoad(),
  // which attaches fields (if supported by the entity type) and calls the
  // entity type specific load callback, for example hook_node_load().
  if (!empty($queried_entities)) {
    $this->attachLoad($queried_entities, $revision_id, $field_ids);
    $entities += $queried_entities;

  // Entity cache module support: Add entities to the entity cache if we are
  // not loading a revision.
  if (!empty($this->entityInfo['entity cache']) && !empty($queried_entities) && !$revision_id) {
    EntityCacheControllerHelper::entityCacheSet($this, $queried_entities);

  if ($this->cache and $cache) {
    // Add entities to the cache if we are not loading a revision.
    if (!empty($queried_entities) && !$revision_id) {

      // Remember if we have cached all entities now.
      if (!$conditions && $ids === FALSE) {
        $this->cacheComplete = TRUE;
  // Ensure that the returned array is ordered the same as the original
  // $ids array if this was passed in and remove any invalid ids.
  if ($passed_ids && $passed_ids = array_intersect_key($passed_ids, $entities)) {
    foreach ($passed_ids as $id => $value) {
      $passed_ids[$id] = $entities[$id];
    $entities = $passed_ids;
  return $entities;