public function TripalEntityController::setAlias
3.x | public TripalEntityController::setAlias($entity, $alias = NULL) |
Sets the URL alias for an entity.
1 call to TripalEntityController::setAlias()
- TripalEntityController::save in tripal/
includes/ - Saves a new entity.
- tripal/
includes/, line 140
- TripalEntityController
- TripalEntityController extends DrupalDefaultEntityController.
public function setAlias($entity, $alias = NULL) {
$source_url = "bio_data/$entity->id";
// If no alias was supplied then we should try to generate one using the
// default format set by admins.
if (!$alias) {
// Load the TripalBundle entity for this TripalEntity.
$bundle_entity = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $entity->bundle));
// First get the format for the url alias based on the bundle of the entity.
$alias = tripal_get_bundle_variable('url_format', $bundle_entity->id);
// And then replace all the tokens with values from the entity fields.
$alias = tripal_replace_entity_tokens($alias, $entity, $bundle_entity);
// If there is still no alias supplied then we should generate one using
// the term name and entity id.
if (!$alias) {
// Load the term for this TripalEntity.
$term = entity_load('TripalTerm', array('id' => $entity->term_id));
$term = reset($term);
// Set a default based on the term name and entity id.
$alias = str_replace(' ', '', $term->name) . '/[TripalEntity__entity_id]';
// And then replace all the tokens with values from the entity fields.
$alias = tripal_replace_entity_tokens($alias, $entity, $bundle_entity);
// Check if the passed alias has tokens.
if ($alias && (preg_match_all("/\[[^\]]*\]/", $alias, $bundle_tokens))) {
// Load the TripalBundle entity for this TripalEntity.
$bundle_entity = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $entity->bundle));
// And then replace all the tokens with values from the entity fields.
$alias = tripal_replace_entity_tokens($alias, $entity, $bundle_entity);
// Make sure the alias doesn't contain spaces.
$alias = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $alias);
// Or any non alpha numeric characters.
$alias = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\/]/', '', $alias);
$alias = preg_replace('/_/', '-', $alias);
if ($alias) {
// Determine if this alias has already been used.
$sql = '
SELECT count(*) as num_alias
FROM {url_alias}
WHERE alias=:alias
$num_aliases = db_query($sql, array(':alias' => $alias))->fetchField();
// Either there isn't an alias yet so we just create one.
// OR an Alias already exists but we would like to add a new one.
if ($num_aliases == 0) {
// First delete any previous alias' for this entity.
// Then save the new one.
// TODO: publishing an entity can be very slow if there are lots of
// entries in the url_alias table, due to this type of
// SQL statement that gets called somewhere by Drupal:
// SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTRING_INDEX(source, '/', 1) AS path FROM url_alias.
// Perhaps we should write our own SQL to avoid this issue.
$values = array(
'source' => $source_url,
'alias' => $alias,
'language' => 'und',
// path_delete(array('source' => $source_url));
// $path = array('source' => $source_url, 'alias' => $alias);
// path_save($path);
//Now check if an entry with the source url for this entity already
// exists. This is an issue when updating existing url aliases. To avoid
// creating 404s existing aliases need to be updated and a redirect
// created to handle the old alias.
$existing_aliases = db_select('url_alias', 'ua')
->condition('source', $source_url, '=')
$num_aliases = count($existing_aliases);
if ($num_aliases) {
// For each existing entry create a redirect.
foreach ($existing_aliases as $ea) {
$path =[
'source' $ea->source
'alias' $alias
'pid' $ea->pid
'alias' $ea->alias
'pid' $ea->pid
'language' $ea->language
module_load_include('module', 'redirect', 'redirect');
//After redirects created now update the url_aliases table.
'alias' $alias
->condition('source', $source_url, '=')
->condition('pid', $ea->pid, '=')
else {
drupal_write_record('url_alias', $values);
// If there is only one alias matching then it might just be that we already
// assigned this alias to this entity in a previous save.
elseif ($num_aliases == 1) {
$bundle_entity = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $entity->bundle));
// Check to see if the single alias is for the same entity and if not
// warn the admin that the alias is already used (ie: not unique?)
$sql = "
SELECT count(*) as num_alias
FROM {url_alias}
WHERE alias=:alias AND source=:source
$replace = array(':alias' => $alias, ':source' => $source_url);
$same_alias = db_query($sql, $replace)->fetchField();
if (!$same_alias) {
$msg = 'The URL alias, %alias, already exists for another page. ' .
'Please ensure the pattern supplied on the <a href="!link" ' .
'target="_blank">%type Edit Page</a> under URL Path options is ' .
$msg_var = array(
'%alias' => $alias,
'!link' => url("admin/structure/bio_data/manage/$entity->bundle"),
'%type' => $bundle_entity->label
tripal_report_error('trpentity', TRIPAL_WARNING, $msg, $msg_var);
drupal_set_message(t($msg, $msg_var), 'warning');
// If there are more then one alias' matching what we generated then there's
// a real problem and we need to warn the administrator.
else {
$bundle_entity = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $entity->bundle));
$aliases = db_query('SELECT source FROM {url_alias} WHERE alias=:alias',
array(':alias' => $alias))->fetchAll();
$pages = array();
foreach ($aliases as $a) {
$pages[] = $a->source;
$msg = 'The URL alias, %alias, already exists for multiple pages! ' .
'Please ensure the pattern supplied on the <a href="!link" ' .
'target="_blank">%type Edit Page</a> under URL Path options is ' .
$msg_var = array(
'%alias' => $alias,
'!link' => url("admin/structure/bio_data/manage/$entity->bundle"),
'%type' => $bundle_entity->label
drupal_set_message(t($msg, $msg_var), 'error');
$msg .= ' This url alias has already been used for the following pages: %pages.
You can manually delete alias\' using a combination of path_load() and path_delete().';
$msg_var['%pages'] = implode(', ', $pages);
tripal_report_error('trpentity', TRIPAL_ERROR, $msg, $msg_var);