public function TripalFieldFormatter::settingsForm

3.x public TripalFieldFormatter::settingsForm($view_mode, $form, &$form_state)

Provides the field's setting form.

This function corresponds to the hook_field_formatter_settings_form() function of the Drupal Field API.

The settings form appears on the 'Manage Display' page of the content type administration page. This function provides the form that will appear on that page.

To add a validate function, please create a static function in the implementing class, and indicate that this function should be used in the form array that is returned by this function.

This form will not be displayed if the formatter_settings_summary() function does not return anything.

param $field The field structure being configured. param $instance The instance structure being configured. param $view_mode The view mode being configured. param $form The (entire) configuration form array, which will usually have no use here. Typically for reference only. param $form_state The form state of the (entire) configuration form.

Return value

A Drupal Form array containing the settings form for this field.

6 methods override TripalFieldFormatter::settingsForm()
chado_linker__contact_formatter::settingsForm in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/chado_linker__contact/
chado_linker__prop_formatter::settingsForm in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/chado_linker__prop/
local__contact_formatter::settingsForm in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/local__contact/
remote__data_formatter::settingsForm in tripal_ws/includes/TripalFields/remote__data/
Provides the field's setting form.
sbo__relationship_formatter::settingsForm in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/sbo__relationship/

... See full list


tripal/includes/TripalFields/, line 92




public function settingsForm($view_mode, $form, &$form_state) {
