public function TripalFieldFormatter::view

3.x public TripalFieldFormatter::view(&$element, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $items, $display)

Provides the display for a field

This function corresponds to the hook_field_formatter_view() function of the Drupal Field API.

This function provides the display for a field when it is viewed on as a full page, teaser, indexing for searching, etc. The content returned by the formatter should only include what is present in the $items[$delta]['values] array. This way, the contents that are displayed on the page, via web services and downloaded into a CSV file will always be identical. The view need not show all of the data in the 'values' array.


$element: A renderable array for the $items, as an array of child elements keyed by numeric indexes starting from 0. When implemented as a child class, this argument is set for the display.

$entity_type: The type of $entity.

$entity: The entity object.

$langcode: The language associated with $items.

$items: Array of values for this field.

$display: The display settings to use, as found in the 'display' entry of instance definitions. The array notably contains the following keys and values;

  • type: The name of the formatter to use.
  • settings: The array of formatter settings.
31 methods override TripalFieldFormatter::view()
chado_linker__contact_formatter::view in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/chado_linker__contact/
chado_linker__prop_formatter::view in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/chado_linker__prop/
data__accession_formatter::view in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/data__accession/
data__protein_sequence_formatter::view in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/data__protein_sequence/
data__sequence_checksum_formatter::view in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/data__sequence_checksum/

... See full list


tripal/includes/TripalFields/, line 128




public function view(&$element, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $items, $display) {

  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
    $element[$delta] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => $item['value'],