public function tripal_views_query::ensure_table

3.x public tripal_views_query::ensure_table($table, $relationship = NULL, $join = NULL)

Ensure a table exists in the queue.

This function overrides the views_plugin_query version of the function but does nothing other than return the "table" (or bundle) name as we won't be using aliases for bundles.


$table: The unaliased name of the table to ensure.

$relationship: The relationship to ensure the table links to. Each relationship will get a unique instance of the table being added. If not specified, will be the primary table.

$join: A views_join object (or derived object) to join the alias in.

Return value

The alias used to refer to this specific table, or NULL if the table cannot be ensured.


tripal/, line 25




public function ensure_table($table, $relationship = NULL, $join = NULL) {
  // Because we are not querying a table, we're querying a TripalFieldQuery
  // object we don't need to ensure the table.
  return $table;