Provides an application programming interface (API) for describing Chado tables.
tripal_chado/api/tripal_chado.schema.api.incView source
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Provides an application programming interface (API) for describing Chado tables.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado
- */
- /**
- * @defgroup tripal_chado_schema_api Chado Schema
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- * @{
- * Provides an application programming interface (API) for describing Chado tables.
- * This API consists of a set of functions, one for each table in Chado. Each
- * function simply returns a Drupal style array that defines the table.
- *
- * Because Drupal 6 does not handle foreign key (FK) relationships, however FK
- * relationships are needed to for Tripal Views. Therefore, FK relationships
- * have been added to the schema defintitions below.
- *
- * The functions provided in this documentation should not be called as is, but if you need
- * the Drupal-style array definition for any table, use the following function
- * call:
- *
- * $table_desc = chado_get_schema($table)
- *
- * where the variable $table contains the name of the table you want to
- * retireve. The chado_get_schema function determines the appropriate version of
- * Chado and uses the Drupal hook infrastructure to call the appropriate
- * hook function to retrieve the table schema.
- * @}
- */
- /**
- * Check that any given Chado table exists.
- *
- * This function is necessary because Drupal's db_table_exists() function will
- * not look in any other schema but the one were Drupal is installed
- *
- * @param $table
- * The name of the chado table whose existence should be checked.
- *
- * @return
- * TRUE if the table exists in the chado schema and FALSE if it does not.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_table_exists($table) {
- // Get the default database and chado schema.
- global $databases;
- $default_db = $databases['default']['default']['database'];
- $chado_schema = chado_get_schema_name('chado');
- // If we've already lookup up this table then don't do it again, as
- // we don't need to keep querying the database for the same tables.
- if (array_key_exists("chado_tables", $GLOBALS) and
- array_key_exists($default_db, $GLOBALS["chado_tables"]) and
- array_key_exists($chado_schema, $GLOBALS["chado_tables"][$default_db]) and
- array_key_exists($table, $GLOBALS["chado_tables"][$default_db][$chado_schema])) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- $sql = "
- FROM information_schema.tables
- table_name = :table_name AND
- table_schema = :chado AND
- table_catalog = :default_db
- ";
- $args = array(
- ':table_name' => $table,
- ':chado' => $chado_schema,
- ':default_db' => $default_db
- );
- $results = db_query($sql, $args);
- $exists = $results->fetchObject();
- if (!$exists) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Set this table in the GLOBALS so we don't query for it again the next time.
- $GLOBALS["chado_tables"][$default_db][$chado_schema][$table] = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /**
- * Check that any given column in a Chado table exists.
- *
- * This function is necessary because Drupal's db_field_exists() will not
- * look in any other schema but the one were Drupal is installed
- *
- * @param $table
- * The name of the chado table.
- * @param $column
- * The name of the column in the chado table.
- * @return
- * TRUE if the column exists for the table in the chado schema and
- * FALSE if it does not.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_column_exists($table, $column) {
- global $databases;
- $default_db = $databases['default']['default']['database'];
- $cached_obj = cache_get('chado_table_columns', 'cache');
- if ($cached_obj) {
- $cached_cols = $cached_obj->data;
- if (is_array($cached_cols) and
- array_key_exists($table, $cached_cols) and
- array_key_Exists($column, $cached_cols[$table])) {
- return $cached_cols[$table][$column]['exists'];
- }
- }
- $sql = "
- FROM information_schema.columns
- table_name = :table_name AND
- column_name = :column_name AND
- table_schema = :chado AND
- table_catalog = :default_db
- ";
- $args = array(
- ':table_name' => $table,
- ':column_name' => $column,
- ':chado' => chado_get_schema_name('chado'),
- ':default_db' => $default_db
- );
- $results = db_query($sql, $args);
- $exists = $results->fetchField();
- if (!$exists) {
- $cached_cols[$table][$column]['exists'] = FALSE;
- cache_set('chado_table_columns', $cached_cols, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
- return FALSE;
- }
- $cached_cols[$table][$column]['exists'] = TRUE;
- cache_set('chado_table_columns', $cached_cols, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /**
- * Check that any given column in a Chado table exists.
- *
- * This function is necessary because Drupal's db_field_exists() will not
- * look in any other schema but the one were Drupal is installed
- *
- * @param sequence
- * The name of the sequence
- * @return
- * TRUE if the seqeuence exists in the chado schema and FALSE if it does not.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_sequence_exists($sequence) {
- global $databases;
- $default_db = $databases['default']['default']['database'];
- $cached_obj = cache_get('chado_sequences', 'cache');
- $cached_seqs = $cached_obj->data;
- if (is_array($cached_seqs) and array_key_exists($sequence, $cached_seqs)) {
- return $cached_seqs[$sequence]['exists'];
- }
- $sql = "
- FROM information_schema.sequences
- sequence_name = :sequence_name AND
- sequence_schema = :sequence_schema AND
- sequence_catalog = :sequence_catalog
- ";
- $args = array(
- ':sequence_name' => $sequence,
- ':sequence_schema' => chado_get_schema_name('chado'),
- ':sequence_catalog' => $default_db
- );
- $results = db_query($sql, $args);
- $exists = $results->fetchField();
- if (!$exists) {
- $cached_seqs[$sequence]['exists'] = FALSE;
- cache_set('chado_sequences', $cached_seqs, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
- return FALSE;
- }
- $cached_seqs[$sequence]['exists'] = FALSE;
- cache_set('chado_sequences', $cached_seqs, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /**
- * A Chado-aware replacement for the db_index_exists() function.
- *
- * @param $table
- * The table to be altered.
- * @param $name
- * The name of the index.
- */
- function chado_index_exists($table, $name) {
- global $databases;
- $indexname = $table . '_' . $name . '_idx';
- $default_db = $databases['default']['default']['database'];
- $sql = "
- SELECT 1 as exists
- FROM pg_indexes
- WHERE indexname = :indexname
- ";
- $result = db_query($sql, array(':indexname' => $indexname));
- $exists = $result->fetchObject();
- return $exists->exists;
- }
- /**
- * A Chado-aware wrapper for the db_add_index() function.
- *
- * @param $table
- * The table to be altered.
- * @param $name
- * The name of the index.
- * @param $fields
- * An array of field names.
- */
- function chado_add_index($table, $name, $fields) {
- $indexname = $table . '_' . $name . '_idx';
- $query = 'CREATE INDEX "' . $indexname . '" ON {' . $table . '} ';
- $query .= '(';
- $temp = array();
- foreach ($fields as $field) {
- if (is_array($field)) {
- $temp[] = 'substr(' . $field[0] . ', 1, ' . $field[1] . ')';
- }
- else {
- $temp[] = '"' . $field . '"';
- }
- }
- $query .= implode(', ', $temp);
- $query .= ')';
- return chado_query($query);
- }
- /**
- * Check that any given schema exists.
- *
- * @param $schema
- * The name of the schema to check the existence of
- *
- * @return
- * TRUE/FALSE depending upon whether or not the schema exists
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_dbschema_exists($schema) {
- $sql = "
- SELECT nspname
- FROM pg_namespace
- has_schema_privilege(nspname, 'USAGE') AND
- nspname = :nspname
- ORDER BY nspname
- ";
- $schema = db_query($sql, array(':nspname' => $schema))->fetchField();
- if ($schema) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /**
- * Check that the Chado schema exists within the local database
- *
- * @return
- * TRUE/FALSE depending upon whether it exists
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_is_local() {
- // If the is_local variable has been set then we've already checked if
- // Chado is local and we don't need to repeat it again.
- if (isset($GLOBALS["chado_is_local"])) {
- return $GLOBALS["chado_is_local"];
- }
- // This is postgresql-specific code to check the existence of the chado schema
- // @coder-ignore: acting on pg_catalog schema rather then drupal schema
- // therefore, table prefixing does not apply
- $sql = "
- SELECT nspname
- FROM pg_namespace
- has_schema_privilege(nspname, 'USAGE') AND
- nspname = :chado
- ";
- $results = db_query($sql, array(':chado' => chado_get_schema_name('chado')));
- $name = $results->fetchObject();
- if ($name) {
- variable_set('chado_schema_exists', FALSE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- else {
- variable_set('chado_schema_exists', TRUE);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Check whether chado is installed (either in the same or a different database)
- *
- * @return
- * TRUE/FALSE depending upon whether chado is installed.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_is_installed() {
- global $databases;
- // first check if chado is in the $databases variable of the settings.php file
- if (array_key_exists(chado_get_schema_name('chado'), $databases)) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- // check to make sure the chado schema exists
- return chado_is_local();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the version number of the currently installed Chado instance.
- * It can return the real or effective version. Note, this function
- * is executed in the hook_init() of the tripal_chado module which then
- * sets the $GLOBAL['exact_chado_version'] and $GLOBAL['chado_version']
- * variable. You can access these variables rather than calling this function.
- *
- * @param $exact
- * Set this argument to 1 to retrieve the exact version that is installed.
- * Otherwise, this function will set the version to the nearest 'tenth'.
- * Chado versioning numbers in the hundreds represent changes to the
- * software and not the schema. Changes in the tenth's represent changes
- * in the schema.
- *
- * @param $warn_if_unsupported
- * If the currently installed version of Chado is not supported by Tripal
- * this generates a Drupal warning.
- *
- * @returns
- * The version of Chado
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_get_version($exact = FALSE, $warn_if_unsupported = FALSE) {
- global $databases;
- $version = '';
- $is_local = FALSE;
- $chado_exists = FALSE;
- // Check that Chado is installed if not return 'uninstalled as the version'
- $is_local = isset($GLOBALS["chado_is_local"]) && $GLOBALS["chado_is_local"];
- if (!$is_local) {
- // If it's not in the drupal database check to see if it's specified in
- // the $db_url in the settings.php
- if (!array_key_exists(chado_get_schema_name('chado'), $databases)) {
- // if it's not in the drupal database or specified in the $db_url then
- // return uninstalled as the version
- return 'not installed';
- }
- $is_local = 0;
- $previous_db = chado_set_active('chado');
- $prop_exists = chado_table_exists('chadoprop');
- chado_set_active($previous_db);
- }
- else {
- $chado_exists = TRUE;
- // @todo we need a chado aware db_table_exists.
- $prop_exists = db_table_exists(chado_get_schema_name('chado') . '.chadoprop');
- }
- // if the table doesn't exist then we don't know what version but we know
- // it must be 1.11 or older.
- if (!$prop_exists) {
- $version = "1.11 or older";
- }
- else {
- $sql = "
- SELECT value
- FROM {chadoprop} CP
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = CP.type_id
- INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
- WHERE = 'chado_properties' and = 'version'
- ";
- if (!$is_local) {
- $previous_db = chado_set_active('chado');
- $results = db_query($sql);
- chado_set_active($previous_db);
- }
- else {
- $results = chado_query($sql);
- }
- $v = $results->fetchObject();
- // if we don't have a version in the chadoprop table then it must be
- // v1.11 or older
- if (!$v) {
- $version = "1.11 or older";
- }
- else {
- $version = $v->value;
- }
- }
- // next get the exact Chado version that is installed
- $exact_version = $version;
- // Tripal only supports v1.11 or newer.. really this is the same as v1.1
- // but at the time the v1.11 schema API was written we didn't know that so
- // we'll return the version 1.11 so the schema API will work.
- if (strcmp($exact_version, '1.11 or older') == 0) {
- $exact_version = "1.11";
- if ($warn_if_unsupported) {
- drupal_set_message(t("WARNING: Tripal does not fully support Chado version less than v1.11. If you are certain this is v1.11
- or if Chado was installed using an earlier version of Tripal then all is well. If not please upgrade to v1.11 or later"),
- 'warning');
- }
- }
- // if not returing an exact version, return the version to the nearest 10th.
- // return 1.2 for all versions of 1.2x
- $effective_version = $exact_version;
- if (preg_match('/^1\.2\d+$/', $effective_version)) {
- $effective_version = "1.2";
- }
- else if (preg_match('/^1\.3\d+$/', $effective_version)) {
- $effective_version = "1.3";
- }
- if ($warn_if_unsupported and ($effective_version < 1.11 and $effective_version != 'not installed')) {
- drupal_set_message(t("WARNING: The currently installed version of Chado, v$exact_version, is not fully compatible with Tripal."), 'warning');
- }
- // if the callee has requested the exact version then return it
- if ($exact) {
- return $exact_version;
- }
- return $effective_version;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the list of tables in the Chado schema. By default it only returns
- * the default Chado tables, but can return custom tables added to the
- * Chado schema if requested
- *
- * @param $include_custom
- * Optional. Set as TRUE to include any custom tables created in the
- * Chado schema. Custom tables are added to Chado using the
- * tripal_chado_chado_create_table() function.
- *
- * @returns
- * An associative array where the key and value pairs are the Chado table names.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_get_table_names($include_custom = NULL) {
- // first get the chado version that is installed
- $v = array_key_exists('chado_version', $GLOBALS) ? $GLOBALS["chado_version"] : '';
- $tables = array();
- if ($v == '1.3') {
- $tables_v1_3 = tripal_chado_chado_get_v1_3_tables();
- foreach ($tables_v1_3 as $table) {
- $tables[$table] = $table;
- }
- }
- if ($v == '1.2') {
- $tables_v1_2 = tripal_chado_chado_get_v1_2_tables();
- foreach ($tables_v1_2 as $table) {
- $tables[$table] = $table;
- }
- }
- if ($v == '1.11' or $v == '1.11 or older') {
- $tables_v1_11 = tripal_chado_chado_get_v1_11_tables();
- foreach ($tables_v1_11 as $table) {
- $tables[$table] = $table;
- }
- }
- // now add in the custom tables too if requested
- if ($include_custom) {
- $sql = "SELECT table_name FROM {tripal_custom_tables}";
- $resource = db_query($sql);
- foreach ($resource as $r) {
- $tables[$r->table_name] = $r->table_name;
- }
- }
- asort($tables);
- return $tables;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the chado tables Schema API array.
- *
- * @param $table
- * The name of the table to retrieve. The function will use the appopriate
- * Tripal chado schema API hooks (e.g. v1.11 or v1.2).
- *
- * @returns
- * A Drupal Schema API array defining the table.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_get_schema($table) {
- // first get the chado version that is installed
- $v = array_key_exists("chado_version", $GLOBALS) ? $GLOBALS["chado_version"] : '';
- // get the table array from the proper chado schema
- $v = preg_replace("/\./", "_", $v); // reformat version for hook name
- // Call the module_invoke_all.
- $hook_name = "chado_schema_v" . $v . "_" . $table;
- $table_arr = module_invoke_all($hook_name);
- // If the module_invoke_all returned nothing then let's make sure there isn't
- // An API call we can call directly. The only time this occurs is
- // during an upgrade of a major Drupal version and tripal_core is disabled.
- if ((!$table_arr or !is_array($table_arr)) and
- function_exists('tripal_core_' . $hook_name)) {
- $api_hook = "tripal_core_" . $hook_name;
- $table_arr = $api_hook();
- }
- // if the table_arr is empty then maybe this is a custom table
- if (!is_array($table_arr) or count($table_arr) == 0) {
- $table_arr = chado_get_custom_table_schema($table);
- }
- return $table_arr;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the schema in an array for the specified custom table.
- *
- * @param $table
- * The name of the table to create.
- *
- * @return
- * A Drupal-style Schema API array definition of the table. Returns
- * FALSE on failure.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_get_custom_table_schema($table) {
- $sql = "SELECT schema FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_name = :table_name";
- $results = db_query($sql, array(':table_name' => $table));
- $custom = $results->fetchObject();
- if (!$custom) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- else {
- return unserialize($custom->schema);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns all chado base tables.
- *
- * Base tables are those that contain the primary record for a data type. For
- * example, feature, organism, stock, are all base tables. Other tables
- * include linker tables (which link two or more base tables), property tables,
- * and relationship tables. These provide additional information about
- * primary data records and are therefore not base tables. This function
- * retreives only the list of tables that are considered 'base' tables.
- *
- * @return
- * An array of base table names.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- */
- function chado_get_base_tables() {
- // Initialize the base tables with those tables that are missing a type.
- // Ideally they should have a type, but that's for a future version of Chado.
- $base_tables = array('organism', 'project', 'analysis', 'biomaterial', 'eimage');
- // We'll use the cvterm table to guide which tables are base tables. Typically
- // base tables (with a few exceptions) all have a type. Iterate through the
- // referring tables.
- $schema = chado_get_schema('cvterm');
- $referring = $schema['referring_tables'];
- foreach ($referring as $tablename) {
- // Ignore the cvterm tables, relationships, chadoprop tables.
- if ($tablename == 'cvterm_dbxref' || $tablename == 'cvterm_relationship' ||
- $tablename == 'cvtermpath' || $tablename == 'cvtermprop' || $tablename == 'chadoprop' ||
- $tablename == 'cvtermsynonym' || preg_match('/_relationship$/', $tablename) ||
- preg_match('/_cvterm$/', $tablename) ||
- // Ignore prop tables
- preg_match('/prop$/', $tablename) || preg_match('/prop_.+$/', $tablename) ||
- // Ignore nd_tables
- preg_match('/^nd_/', $tablename)) {
- continue;
- }
- else {
- array_push($base_tables, $tablename);
- }
- }
- // Remove any linker tables that have snuck in. Linker tables are those
- // whose foreign key constraints link to two or more base table.
- $final_list = array();
- foreach ($base_tables as $i => $tablename) {
- // The biomaterial table breaks our rule and seems to look like a linking
- // table, but we want to keep it as a base table.
- if ($tablename == 'biomaterial') {
- $final_list[] = $tablename;
- continue;
- }
- $num_links = 0;
- $schema = chado_get_schema($tablename);
- $fkeys = $schema['foreign keys'];
- foreach ($fkeys as $fkid => $details) {
- $fktable = $details['table'];
- if (in_array($fktable, $base_tables)) {
- $num_links++;
- }
- }
- if ($num_links < 2) {
- $final_list[] = $tablename;
- }
- }
- // Remove the phenotype table. It really shouldn't be a base table as
- // it is meant to store individual phenotype measurements.
- unset($final_list['phenotyp']);
- // Now add in the cvterm table to the list.
- $final_list[] = 'cvterm';
- // Sort the tables and return the list.
- sort($final_list);
- return $final_list;
- }
- /**
- * Get information about which Chado base table a cvterm is mapped to.
- *
- * Vocbulary terms that represent content types in Tripal must be mapped to
- * Chado tables. A cvterm can only be mapped to one base table in Chado.
- * This function will return an object that contains the chado table and
- * foreign key field to which the cvterm is mapped. The 'chado_table' property
- * of the returned object contains the name of the table, and the 'chado_field'
- * property contains the name of the foreign key field (e.g. type_id), and the
- * 'cvterm' property contains a cvterm object.
- *
- * @params
- * An associative array that contains the following keys:
- * - cvterm_id: the cvterm ID value for the term.
- * - vocabulary: the short name for the vocabulary (e.g. SO, GO, PATO)
- * - accession: the accession for the term.
- * - bundle_id: the ID for the bundle to which a term is associated.
- * The 'vocabulary' and 'accession' must be used together, the 'cvterm_id' can
- * be used on it's own.
- * @return
- * An object containing the chado_table and chado_field properties or NULL if
- * if no mapping was found for the term.
- */
- function chado_get_cvterm_mapping($params) {
- $cvterm_id = array_key_exists('cvterm_id', $params) ? $params['cvterm_id'] : NULL;
- $vocabulary = array_key_exists('vocabulary', $params) ? $params['vocabulary'] : NULL;
- $accession = array_key_exists('accession', $params) ? $params['accession'] : NULL;
- $cvterm = NULL;
- if ($cvterm_id) {
- $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', array('cvterm_id' => $cvterm_id));
- }
- else if ($vocabulary and $accession) {
- $match = array(
- 'dbxref_id' => array(
- 'db_id' => array(
- 'name' => $vocabulary,
- ),
- 'accession' => $accession,
- ),
- );
- $cvterm = chado_generate_var('cvterm', $match);
- }
- if ($cvterm) {
- $result = db_select('chado_cvterm_mapping', 'tcm')
- ->fields('tcm')
- ->condition('cvterm_id', $cvterm->cvterm_id)
- ->execute();
- $result = $result->fetchObject();
- if ($result) {
- $result->cvterm = $cvterm;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- return NULL;
- }