Tripal Chado Views Module

Provides functions for integrating chado with Drupal Views.


tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module, line 7
Basic Tripal Views functionality


Namesort descending Location Description
tripal_chado_views_admin_integration_view tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Admin launchpad
tripal_chado_views_biological_data_page tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module A landing page for all views of chado content. Simply lists all menu items that are children of it.
tripal_chado_views_coder_ignore tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Implements hook_coder_ignore(). Defines the path to the file (tripal_views.coder_ignores.txt) where ignore rules for coder are stored
tripal_chado_views_defaultview_admin_integrations tripal_chado_views/ Default integrations administration view
tripal_chado_views_delete_all_integrations tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: Deletes ALL Chado Views Integrations.
tripal_chado_views_get_integration_array_for_chado_table tripal_chado_views/includes/ Returns the array needed to integrate a given chado table with views
tripal_chado_views_get_schemas tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.install This function simply defines all tables needed for the module to work correctly. By putting the table definitions in a separate function we can easily provide the entire list for hook_install or individual tables for an update.
tripal_chado_views_help tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Implements hook_help(). Adds a help page to the module list
tripal_chado_views_init tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Implements hook_init().
tripal_chado_views_install tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.install Implementation of hook_install().
tripal_chado_views_integrate_all_chado_tables tripal_chado_views/includes/ Integrate all chado tables in the schema api. This integration only occurs once and sets all Chado tables to a priority of 10
tripal_chado_views_integration_delete tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: Deletes integration of a table with the Views module. This function is meant to be called from a menu item. After completion it redirects the user to the views intergation page.
tripal_chado_views_integration_delete_all_form tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: Deletes ALL Chado Views Integrations. This function is meant to be called from a menu item. After completion it redirects the user to the views intergation page.
tripal_chado_views_integration_delete_all_form_submit tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: Deletes ALL Chado Views Integrations. This function is meant to be called from a menu item. After completion it redirects the user to the views intergation page.
tripal_chado_views_integration_discover_handlers tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: this function queries all modules currently enabled on the site looking for custom handlers and returns a list of all available handerls. The base View handlers are also included.
tripal_chado_views_integration_export_form tripal_chado_views/includes/ Form: The form to export a particular tripal views integration
tripal_chado_views_integration_form tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: defines the web form used for specifing the base table, joins and handlers when integrating a table with views. This form is used for both creating a new record and editing an existing record.
tripal_chado_views_integration_form_submit tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: inserts or updates the record in the tripal views integration tables. This function is only called if validation is passed.
tripal_chado_views_integration_form_validate tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: validates the tripal_chado_views_integration_form after submission
tripal_chado_views_integration_import_form tripal_chado_views/includes/ Form: Imports a tripal views integration
tripal_chado_views_integration_import_form_submit tripal_chado_views/includes/ Submit: Imports a tripal views integration
tripal_chado_views_integration_setup_list tripal_chado_views/includes/ Purpose: Generates a themable table containing the list of integrated tables The look-and-feel of the table can be altered by overriding the theme for tables.
tripal_chado_views_menu tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Implements hook_menu(). This hook provides details about new menu items added by this module
tripal_chado_views_permission tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Implements hook_permissions().
tripal_chado_views_schema tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.install Implementation of hook_schema().
tripal_chado_views_theme tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Implements hook_theme().
tripal_chado_views_views_api tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.module Implements hook_views_api().
tripal_chado_views_views_data tripal_chado_views/ Implements hook_views_data().
tripal_chado_views_views_data_alter tripal_chado_views/ Implements hook_views_data_alter(). Used to add Chado <-> Node Joins & Relationships since you need to add to the $data['node'] to do this
tripal_chado_views_views_data_tripal_views_tables tripal_chado_views/ Describes the tripal views integration tables to views for the administration views
tripal_chado_views_views_default_views tripal_chado_views/ Implements hook_views_default_views().
tripal_chado_views_views_handlers tripal_chado_views/ Implements hook_views_handlers().
tripal_chado_views_views_pre_render tripal_chado_views/ Implements hook_views_pre_render().
tripal_chado_views_views_pre_view tripal_chado_views/ Implementation of hook_views_pre_view().
tripal_chado_views_views_schema tripal_chado_views/tripal_chado_views.install Describe the Tripal Views Schema