Provides an application programming interface (API) to manage data withing the Chado database.
tripal_core/api/tripal_core.chado_general.api.incView source
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Provides an application programming interface (API) to manage data withing the Chado database.
- */
- require_once '';
- require_once '';
- /**
- * @defgroup tripal_chado_api Chado API
- * @ingroup tripal_core_api
- * @{
- * Provides an application programming interface (API) to manage data withing the Chado database.
- *
- * This includes functions for selecting, inserting, updating and deleting records
- * in Chado tables. The functions will ensure proper integrity contraints are met
- * for inserts and updates.
- *
- * Also, a set of functions is provided for creating template variables. First,
- * is the chado_generate_var which is used to select one ore more
- * records from a table and return an array with foreign key relationships fully
- * populated. For example, if selecting a feature, the organism_id and type_id
- * would be present in the returned array as a nested array with their respective
- * foreign keys also nested. The only fields that are not included are text
- * fields (which may be very large) or many-to-many foreign key relationships.
- * However, these fields and relationships can be expanded using the
- * chado_expand_var.
- *
- * When a row from a chado table is selected using these two functions, it provides
- * a way for users who want to cutomize Drupal template files to access all data
- * associate with a specific record.
- *
- * Finally, the property tables in Chado generally follow the same format. Therefore
- * there is a set of functions for inserting, updating and deleting properties for
- * any table. This provides quick lookup of properties (provided the CV term is
- * known).
- *
- * @}
- *
- */
- /**
- * Set the Tripal Database
- *
- * The chado_set_active function is used to prevent namespace collisions
- * when Chado and Drupal are installed in the same database but in different
- * schemas. It is also used when using Drupal functions such as
- * db_table_exists().
- *
- * The connection settings can be altered through the hook
- * hook_chado_connection_alter.
- *
- * Current active connection name is stored in the global variable
- * $GLOBALS['chado_active_db'].
- *
- * @see hook_chado_connection_alter()
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function chado_set_active($dbname = 'default') {
- // Check if the chado_active_db has been set yet.
- if (!array_key_exists('chado_active_db', $GLOBALS)) {
- $GLOBALS['chado_active_db'] = 'default';
- }
- $previous_db = $active_db = $GLOBALS['chado_active_db'];
- $search_path = tripal_get_schema_name('drupal');
- // Change only if 'chado' has been specified.
- // Notice that we leave the active_db set as chado but use the possibly user-altered
- // schema name for the actual search path. This is to keep outward facing mentions of
- // chado as "chado" while still allowing the user to alter the schema name used.
- if ($dbname == 'chado') {
- $active_db = 'chado';
- $search_path = tripal_get_schema_name('chado') . ',' . tripal_get_schema_name('drupal');
- }
- else {
- $active_db = $dbname;
- }
- $settings = array(
- 'dbname' => $dbname,
- 'new_active_db' => &$active_db,
- 'new_search_path' => &$search_path,
- );
- // Will call all modules implementing hook_chado_search_path_alter
- // note: hooks can alter $active_db and $search_path.
- drupal_alter('chado_connection', $settings);
- // set chado_active_db to remember active db
- $GLOBALS['chado_active_db'] = $active_db;
- // set PostgreSQL search_path
- db_query('SET search_path TO ' . $search_path);
- return $previous_db;
- }
- /**
- * Alter Chado connection settings.
- *
- * This hook is useful for multi-chado instances. Tripal core functions
- * call the chado_set_active() function (e.g. chado_query) but there is no
- * opportunity elsewhere to set the active database. This is useful in two
- * cases: 1) Users are managed at the database level as in the case of
- * SouthGreen Bioinformatics Platform tools (e.g. Banana Genone Hub).
- * This allows custom modules to change the database connections on a per-user
- * basis, and each user permissions is managed at the database level. Users
- * are managed at the database level to provid the same access restrictions
- * across various tools that use Chado (e,g, Artemis) 2) When there are
- * simply two Chado instances housed in different Chado databases and the
- * module needs to control which one is being used at any given time.
- *
- * @param $settings
- * An array containing
- *
- * @see chado_set_active()
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function hook_chado_connection_alter(&$settings) {
- // This example shows how we could make sure no table of the 'public' schema
- // would be allowed in the coming queries: to do so, the caller will call
- // "chado_set_active('chado_only');" and the hook will remove 'public' from
- // the search path.
- if ('chado_only' == $settings['dbname']) {
- $settings['new_active_db'] = 'chado';
- // We don't include 'public' in search path.
- $settings['new_search_path'] = 'chado';
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get max rank for a given set of criteria
- * This function was developed with the many property tables in chado in mind but will
- * work for any table with a rank
- *
- * @params tablename: the name of the chado table you want to select the max rank from
- * this table must contain a rank column of type integer
- * @params where_options: array(
- * <column_name> => array(
- * 'type' => <type of column: INT/STRING>,
- * 'value' => <the value you want to filter on>,
- * 'exact' => <if TRUE use =; if FALSE use ~>,
- * )
- * )
- * where options should include the id and type for that table to correctly
- * group a set of records together where the only difference are the value and rank
- * @return the maximum rank
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function chado_get_table_max_rank($tablename, $where_options) {
- $where_clauses = array();
- $where_args = array();
- //generate the where clause from supplied options
- // the key is the column name
- $i = 0;
- $sql = "
- SELECT max(rank) as max_rank, count(rank) as count
- FROM {".$tablename."}
- ";
- foreach ($where_options as $key => $value) {
- $where_clauses[] = "$key = :$key";
- $where_args[":$key"] = $value;
- }
- $sql .= implode($where_clauses, ' AND ');
- $result = chado_query($sql, $where_args)->fetchObject();
- if ($result->count > 0) {
- return $result->max_rank;
- }
- else {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve a property for a given base table record.
- *
- * @param $record
- * An array used to identify the record to which the property is associated.
- * The following keys must be used:
- * -table: The base table for which the property should be updated.
- * Thus to update a property for a feature the base_table=feature.
- * -id: The primary key value of the base table. The property will be
- * associated with the record that matches this id.
- * -prop_id: The primary key in the [table]prop table. If this value
- * is supplied then the 'table' and 'id' keys are not needed.
- * @param $property
- * An associative array used to specify the property to be selected. It can
- * contain the following keys. The keys must be specified to uniquely identify
- * the term to be applied. If the options identify more than one CV term
- * then an error will occur.
- * -type_name: The cvterm name to be selected.
- * -type_id: The cvterm_id of the term to be selected.
- * -cv_id: The cv_id of the CV that contains the term.
- * -cv_name: The name of the CV that contains the term.
- * -value: The specific value for the property.
- * -rank: The specific rank for the property.
- * @return
- * An array in the same format as that generated by the function
- * chado_generate_var(). If only one record is returned it
- * is a single object. If more than one record is returned then it is an array
- * of objects
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function chado_get_property($record, $property) {
- $base_table = array_key_exists('table', $record) ? $record['table'] : '';
- $base_id = array_key_exists('id', $record) ? $record['id'] : '';
- $prop_id = array_key_exists('prop_id', $record) ? $record['prop_id'] : '';
- $type_name = array_key_exists('type_name', $property) ? $property['type_name'] : '';
- $type_id = array_key_exists('type_id', $property) ? $property['type_id'] : '';
- $cv_name = array_key_exists('cv_name', $property) ? $property['cv_name'] : '';
- $cv_id = array_key_exists('cv_id', $property) ? $property['cv_id'] : '';
- $value = array_key_exists('value', $property) ? $property['value'] : '';
- $rank = array_key_exists('rank', $property) ? $property['rank'] : 0;
- // Build the values array for checking if the CVterm exists and for
- // retrieving the term as a property.
- $type = array();
- if ($cv_id) {
- $type['cv_id'] = $cv_id;
- }
- if ($cv_name) {
- $type['cv_id'] = array(
- 'name' => $cv_name,
- );
- }
- if ($type_name) {
- $type['name'] = $type_name;
- }
- if ($type_id) {
- $type['cvterm_id'] = $type_id;
- }
- // Make sure the CV term exists;
- $options = array();
- $term = chado_select_record('cvterm', array('cvterm_id'), $type, $options);
- if (!$term or count($term) == 0) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_get_property: " .
- "Cannot find the term described by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE)));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (count($term) > 1) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_get_property: " .
- "Multiple terms found. Cannot add the property. Property was described " .
- "by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE))); return FALSE;
- }
- // get the foreign key for this property table
- $table_desc = chado_get_schema($base_table . 'prop');
- $fkcol = key($table_desc['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns']);
- // construct the array of values to be selected
- $values = array(
- $fkcol => $base_id,
- 'type_id' => $type,
- );
- // if we have the unique property_id make sure to add that to the values
- if ($prop_id) {
- $property_pkey = $table_desc['primary key'][0];
- $values[$property_pkey] = $prop_id;
- }
- $results = chado_generate_var($base_table . 'prop', $values);
- if ($results) {
- $results = chado_expand_var($results, 'field', $base_table . 'prop.value');
- }
- return $results;
- }
- /**
- * Insert a property for a given base table.
- *
- * By default if the property already exists a new property is added with the
- * next available rank. If the option 'update_if_present' is specified then
- * the record will be updated if it exists rather than adding a new property.
- *
- * @param $record
- * An associative array used to identify the record to which the property
- * should be assigned. The following keys must be used:
- * -table: The base table for which the property should be inserted.
- * Thus to insert a property for a feature the base_table=feature and
- * property is inserted into featureprop
- * -id: The primary key value of the base table. The property will be
- * associated with the record that matches this id.
- * @param $property
- * An associative array used to specify the property to be added. It can
- * contain the following keys. The keys must be specified to uniquely identify
- * the term to be applied. If the options identify more than one CV term
- * then an error will occur.
- * -type_name: The cvterm name to be selected.
- * -type_id: The cvterm_id of the term to be selected.
- * -cv_id: The cv_id of the CV that contains the term.
- * -cv_name: The name of the CV that contains the term.
- * -value: The specific value for the property.
- * -rank: The specific rank for the property.
- * @param $options
- * An associative array containing the following keys:
- * -update_if_present: A boolean indicating whether an existing record
- * should be updated. If the property already exists and this value is
- * not specified or is zero then a new property will be added with the
- * next largest rank.
- * -force_rank: If the specified rank is already used by another property
- * recrod for the same base_id, then set force_rank to TRUE to require
- * that only the specified rank can be used. Otherwise, the next
- * available rank will be used. If 'update_if_present' is FALSE and
- * 'force_rank' is set then an error will occur.
- *
- * @return
- * Return TRUE if successful and FALSE otherwise
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function chado_insert_property($record, $property, $options = array()) {
- $base_table = array_key_exists('table', $record) ? $record['table'] : '';
- $base_id = array_key_exists('id', $record) ? $record['id'] : '';
- $type_name = array_key_exists('type_name', $property) ? $property['type_name'] : '';
- $type_id = array_key_exists('type_id', $property) ? $property['type_id'] : '';
- $cv_name = array_key_exists('cv_name', $property) ? $property['cv_name'] : '';
- $cv_id = array_key_exists('cv_id', $property) ? $property['cv_id'] : '';
- $value = array_key_exists('value', $property) ? $property['value'] : '';
- $rank = array_key_exists('rank', $property) ? $property['rank'] : 0;
- $update_if_present = array_key_exists('update_if_present', $options) ? $options['update_if_present'] : FALSE;
- $force_rank = array_key_exists('force_rank', $options) ? $options['force_rank'] : FALSE;
- // First see if the property is already assigned to the record. I
- $props = chado_get_property($record, $property);
- if (!is_array($props)) {
- if ($props) {
- $props = array($props);
- }
- else {
- $props = array();
- }
- }
- if (count($props) > 0) {
- // The property is already assigned, so, see if we should update it.
- if ($update_if_present) {
- return chado_update_property($record, $property);
- }
- else {
- if (!$force_rank) {
- // iterate through the properties returned and check to see if the
- // property with this value already exists if not, get the largest rank
- // and insert the same property but with this new value
- foreach ($props as $prop) {
- if ($prop->rank > $rank) {
- $rank = $prop->rank;
- }
- if (strcmp($prop->value, $value) == 0) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- // now add 1 to the rank
- $rank++;
- }
- else {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_insert_property: " .
- "The property is already assigned to the record with the following " .
- "rank. And, because the 'force_rank' option is used, the property " .
- "cannot be added: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, true)));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- // Build the values array for checking if the CVterm exists and for
- // inserting the term as a property.
- $values = array();
- if ($cv_id) {
- $values['cv_id'] = $cv_id;
- }
- if ($cv_name) {
- $values['cv_id'] = array(
- 'name' => $cv_name,
- );
- }
- if ($type_name) {
- $values['name'] = $type_name;
- }
- if ($type_id) {
- $values['cvterm_id'] = $type_id;
- }
- // Make sure the CV term exists;
- $options = array();
- $term = chado_select_record('cvterm', array('cvterm_id'), $values, $options);
- if (!$term or count($term) == 0) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_insert_property: " .
- "Cannot find the term described by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE)));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (count($term) > 1) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_insert_property: " .
- "Multiple terms found. Cannot add the property. Property was described " .
- "by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE))); return FALSE;
- }
- // Get the foreign key for this property table
- $table_desc = chado_get_schema($base_table . 'prop');
- $fkcol = key($table_desc['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns']);
- // Add the property to the record.
- $values = array(
- $fkcol => $base_id,
- 'type_id' => $values,
- 'value' => $value,
- 'rank' => $rank,
- );
- $result = chado_insert_record($base_table . 'prop', $values);
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Update a property for a given base table record and property name.
- *
- * @param $record
- * An associative array used to identify the record to which the property
- * should be updated. The following keys must be used:
- * -table: The base table for which the property should be updated.
- * Thus to update a property for a feature the base_table=feature.
- * -id: The primary key value of the base table. The property will be
- * associated with the record that matches this id.
- * -prop_id: The primary key in the [table]prop table. If this value
- * is supplied then the 'table' and 'id' keys are not needed.
- * @param $property
- * An associative array used to specify the property to be updated. It can
- * contain the following keys. The keys must be specified to uniquely identify
- * the term to be applied. If the options identify more than one CV term
- * then an error will occur.
- * -type_name: The cvterm name to be selected.
- * -type_id: The cvterm_id of the term to be selected.
- * -cv_id: The cv_id of the CV that contains the term.
- * -cv_name: The name of the CV that contains the term.
- * -value: The specific value for the property.
- * -rank: The specific rank for the property.
- * @param $options
- * An associative array containing the following keys:
- * -insert_if_missing: A boolean indicating whether a record should be
- * inserted if one doesn't exist to update.
- *
- *
- * @return
- * Return TRUE on Update/Insert and FALSE otherwise
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function chado_update_property($record, $property, $options = array()) {
- $base_table = array_key_exists('table', $record) ? $record['table'] : '';
- $base_id = array_key_exists('id', $record) ? $record['id'] : '';
- $prop_id = array_key_exists('prop_id', $record) ? $record['prop_id'] : '';
- $type_name = array_key_exists('type_name', $property) ? $property['type_name'] : '';
- $type_id = array_key_exists('type_id', $property) ? $property['type_id'] : '';
- $cv_name = array_key_exists('cv_name', $property) ? $property['cv_name'] : '';
- $cv_id = array_key_exists('cv_id', $property) ? $property['cv_id'] : '';
- $value = array_key_exists('value', $property) ? $property['value'] : '';
- $rank = array_key_exists('rank', $property) ? $property['rank'] : 0;
- $insert_if_missing = array_key_exists('insert_if_missing', $options) ? $options['insert_if_missing'] : FALSE;
- // first see if the property is missing (we can't update a missing property
- $prop = chado_get_property($record, $property);
- if (count($prop) == 0) {
- if ($insert_if_missing) {
- return chado_insert_property($record, $property);
- }
- else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Build the values array for checking if the CVterm exists.
- $type = array();
- if ($cv_id) {
- $type['cv_id'] = $cv_id;
- }
- if ($cv_name) {
- $type['cv_id'] = array(
- 'name' => $cv_name,
- );
- }
- if ($type_name) {
- $type['name'] = $type_name;
- }
- if ($type_id) {
- $type['cvterm_id'] = $type_id;
- }
- // Make sure the CV term exists;
- $options = array();
- $term = chado_select_record('cvterm', array('cvterm_id'), $type, $options);
- if (!$term or count($term) == 0) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_update_property: " .
- "Cannot find the term described by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE)));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (count($term) > 1) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_update_property: " .
- "Multiple terms found. Cannot add the property. Property was described " .
- "by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE)));
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Get the foreign key for this property table
- $table_desc = chado_get_schema($base_table . 'prop');
- $fkcol = key($table_desc['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns']);
- // construct the array that will match the exact record to update
- $match = array(
- $fkcol => $base_id,
- 'type_id' => $type,
- );
- // If we have the unique property_id, make sure to use it in the match to
- // ensure we get the exact record. Doesn't rely on there only being one
- // property of that type.
- if ($prop_id) {
- $property_pkey = $table_desc['primary key'][0];
- $match = array(
- $property_pkey => $prop_id,
- );
- }
- // Construct the array of values to be updated.
- $values = array();
- $values['value'] = $value;
- if ($rank) {
- $values['rank'] = $rank;
- }
- // If we have the unique property_id then we can also update the type
- // thus add it to the values to be updated
- if ($prop_id) {
- $values['type_id'] = $type;
- }
- return chado_update_record($base_table . 'prop', $match, $values);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a property for a given base table record using the property name
- *
- * @param $record
- * An associative array used to identify the record to which the property
- * should be deleted. The following keys must be used:
- * -table: The base table for which the property should be deleted.
- * Thus to update a property for a feature the base_table=feature.
- * -id: The primary key value of the base table. The property will be
- * deleted from the record that matches this id.
- * -prop_id: The primary key in the [table]prop table to be deleted. If
- * this value is supplied then the 'table' and 'id' keys are not needed.
- * @param $property
- * An associative array used to specify the property to be updated. It can
- * contain the following keys. The keys must be specified to uniquely identify
- * the term to be applied. If the options identify more than one CV term
- * then an error will occur.
- * -type_name: The cvterm name to be selected.
- * -type_id: The cvterm_id of the term to be selected.
- * -cv_id: The cv_id of the CV that contains the term.
- * -cv_name: The name of the CV that contains the term.
- * -value: The specific value for the property.
- * -rank: The specific rank for the property.
- *
- * @return
- * Return TRUE on successful deletion and FALSE otherwise
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function chado_delete_property($record, $property) {
- $base_table = array_key_exists('table', $record) ? $record['table'] : '';
- $base_id = array_key_exists('id', $record) ? $record['id'] : '';
- $prop_id = array_key_exists('prop_id', $record) ? $record['prop_id'] : '';
- $type_name = array_key_exists('type_name', $property) ? $property['type_name'] : '';
- $type_id = array_key_exists('type_id', $property) ? $property['type_id'] : '';
- $cv_name = array_key_exists('cv_name', $property) ? $property['cv_name'] : '';
- $cv_id = array_key_exists('cv_id', $property) ? $property['cv_id'] : '';
- $value = array_key_exists('value', $property) ? $property['value'] : '';
- $rank = array_key_exists('rank', $property) ? $property['rank'] : 0;
- // Build the values array for checking if the CVterm exists
- $type = array();
- if ($cv_id) {
- $type['cv_id'] = $cv_id;
- }
- if ($cv_name) {
- $type['cv_id'] = array(
- 'name' => $cv_name,
- );
- }
- if ($type_name) {
- $type['name'] = $type_name;
- }
- if ($type_id) {
- $type['cvterm_id'] = $type_id;
- }
- // Make sure the CV term exists;
- $options = array();
- $term = chado_select_record('cvterm', array('cvterm_id'), $type, $options);
- if (!$term or count($term) == 0) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_delete_property: " .
- "Cannot find the term described by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE)));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (count($term) > 1) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_delete_property: " .
- "Multiple terms found. Cannot add the property. Property was described " .
- "by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE))); return FALSE;
- }
- // get the foreign key for this property table
- $table_desc = chado_get_schema($base_table . 'prop');
- $fkcol = key($table_desc['foreign keys'][$base_table]['columns']);
- // If we have the unique property_id, make sure to use it in the match to ensure
- // we get the exact record. Doesn't rely on there only being one property of that type
- if ($prop_id) {
- $property_pkey = $table_desc['primary key'][0];
- $match = array(
- $property_pkey => $prop_id
- );
- }
- // construct the array that will match the exact record to update
- else {
- $match = array(
- $fkcol => $record_id,
- 'type_id' => $type,
- );
- }
- return chado_delete_record($base_table . 'prop', $match);
- }
- /**
- * Get all records in the base table assigned one or more properties.
- *
- * The property or properties of interest are specified using the $property
- * argument.
- *
- * @param $record
- * An associative array used to identify the table and subset of records to
- * to be searched:
- * -table: The base table for which the property should be updated.
- * Thus to update a property for a feature the base_table=feature.
- * -base_records: An array in the format accepted by the chado_select_record
- * for specifying a subset of records in the base table.
- * @param $property
- * An associative array used to specify the property to be selected for. It
- * can contain the following keys. The keys must be specified to uniquely
- * identify the term to be searched. If the options identify more than one
- * CV term then an error will occur.
- * -type_name: The cvterm name to be selected.
- * -type_id: The cvterm_id of the term to be selected.
- * -cv_id: The cv_id of the CV that contains the term.
- * -cv_name: The name of the CV that contains the term.
- * -value: The specific value for the property.
- * -rank: The specific rank for the property.
- * @param $options
- * An array of options supported by chado_generate_var(). These keys
- * are used for generating the cvterm objects returned by this function.
- *
- * @return
- * An array of chado variables with the given property
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_chado_api
- */
- function chado_get_record_with_property($record, $property, $options = array()) {
- $base_table = array_key_exists('table', $record) ? $record['table'] : '';
- $base_records= array_key_exists('base_records', $record) ? $record['base_records'] : array();
- $type_name = array_key_exists('type_name', $property) ? $property['type_name'] : '';
- $type_id = array_key_exists('type_id', $property) ? $property['type_id'] : '';
- $cv_name = array_key_exists('cv_name', $property) ? $property['cv_name'] : '';
- $cv_id = array_key_exists('cv_id', $property) ? $property['cv_id'] : '';
- $value = array_key_exists('value', $property) ? $property['value'] : '';
- $rank = array_key_exists('rank', $property) ? $property['rank'] : '';
- $property_table = $base_table . 'prop';
- $foreignkey_name = $base_table . '_id';
- // Build the values array for checking if the CVterm exists and for
- // inserting the term as a property.
- $type = array();
- if ($cv_id) {
- $type['cv_id'] = $cv_id;
- }
- if ($cv_name) {
- $type['cv_id'] = array(
- 'name' => $cv_name,
- );
- }
- if ($type_name) {
- $type['name'] = $type_name;
- }
- if ($type_id) {
- $type['cvterm_id'] = $type_id;
- }
- // Make sure the CV term exists;
- $term = chado_select_record('cvterm', array('cvterm_id'), $type);
- if (!$term or count($term) == 0) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_update_property: " .
- "Cannot find the term described by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE)));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (count($term) > 1) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_core', TRIPAL_ERROR, "chado_update_property: " .
- "Multiple terms found. Cannot add the property. Property was described " .
- "by: %property.",
- array('%property' => print_r($property, TRUE))); return FALSE;
- }
- // Build the array for identifying the property.
- $values = array();
- $values['type_id'] = $type;
- if ($rank) {
- $values['rank'] = $rank;
- }
- if ($value) {
- $values['value'] = $value;
- }
- // Add the base records details to the values array.
- if (!empty($base_records)) {
- $values[$foreignkey_name] = $base_records;
- }
- // Now select the ids of the base table that have the properties we want that match.
- $select = chado_select_record($property_table, array($foreignkey_name), $values);
- // For each of these ids, pull out the full base records
- $records = array();
- foreach ($select as $s) {
- $id = $s->{$foreignkey_name};
- $values = array($foreignkey_name => $id);
- $records[$id] = chado_generate_var($base_table, $values, $options);
- }
- return $records;
- }