function chado_views_handler_field::query

3.x chado_views_handler_field::query($use_groupby = FALSE)
1.x chado_views_handler_field::query()

Determines whether the current field is aggregated or not Note: The parent::query() takes care of adding the field to the query, etc.

Overrides views_handler_field::query

2 calls to chado_views_handler_field::query()
tripal_views_handler_field_aggregate::query in tripal_views/views/handlers/
Determines whether the current field is aggregated or not Note: The parent::query() takes care of adding the field to the query, etc.
tripal_views_handler_field_sequence::query in tripal_views/views/handlers/
We need to add a few fields to our query
2 methods override chado_views_handler_field::query()
tripal_views_handler_field_aggregate::query in tripal_views/views/handlers/
Determines whether the current field is aggregated or not Note: The parent::query() takes care of adding the field to the query, etc.
tripal_views_handler_field_sequence::query in tripal_views/views/handlers/
We need to add a few fields to our query


tripal_views/views/handlers/, line 87
A chado wrapper for the views_handler_field.


@file A chado wrapper for the views_handler_field.


function query() {
  $this->aggregated = chado_wrapper_is_aggregated_by_join($this);