29 calls to views_fetch_data()

view::fix_missing_relationships in includes/view.inc
Attempt to discover if the view has handlers missing relationships.
view::init_query in includes/view.inc
Do some common building initialization.
viewsFieldApiDataTest::testViewsData in tests/field/views_fieldapi.test
Unit testing the views data structure.
ViewsModuleTest::assertInstanceHandler in tests/views_module.test
Ensure that a certain handler is a instance of a certain table/field.
ViewsModuleTest::testFetchData in tests/views_module.test
Tests views_fetch_data().
ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::default_display_filters_user in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_base_views_wizard.class.php
ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::default_display_options in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_base_views_wizard.class.php
Most subclasses will need to override this method to provide some fields or a different row plugin.
ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard::row_style_options in plugins/views_wizard/views_ui_base_views_wizard.class.php
Add possible row style options.
views_fetch_base_tables in includes/admin.inc
Fetch a list of all base tables available
views_fetch_fields in includes/admin.inc
Fetch a list of all fields available for a given base type.
views_get_handler in ./views.module
Fetch a handler from the data cache.
views_get_table_join in includes/handlers.inc
Fetch a handler to join one table to a primary table from the data cache
views_handler_field_entity::init in handlers/views_handler_field_entity.inc
Initialize the entity type.
views_handler_field_entity::query in handlers/views_handler_field_entity.inc
Overriden to add the field for the entity id.
views_handler_field_field::get_base_table in modules/field/views_handler_field_field.inc
Set the base_table and base_table_alias.
views_handler_filter_entity_bundle::get_entity_type in handlers/views_handler_filter_entity_bundle.inc
Set and returns the entity_type.
views_handler_relationship::query in handlers/views_handler_relationship.inc
Called to implement a relationship in a query.
views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse::query in modules/field/views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse.inc
Called to implement a relationship in a query.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::left_query in handlers/views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max.inc
Generate a subquery given the user options, as set in the options. These are passed in rather than picked up from the object because we generate the subquery when the options are saved, rather than when the view is run. This saves considerable time.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::options_form in handlers/views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max.inc
Extends the relationship's basic options, allowing the user to pick a sort and an order for it.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::query in handlers/views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max.inc
Called to implement a relationship in a query. This is mostly a copy of our parent's query() except for this bit with the join class.
views_handler_relationship_translation::query in modules/translation/views_handler_relationship_translation.inc
Called to implement a relationship in a query.
views_move_table in ./views.module
Find the real location of a table.
views_plugin_display::get_plugin in plugins/views_plugin_display.inc
Get the instance of a plugin, for example style or row.
views_plugin_query_default::execute in plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc
Executes the query and fills the associated view object with according values.
views_plugin_query_default::get_result_entities in plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc
Returns the according entity objects for the given query results.
views_plugin_row::options_form in plugins/views_plugin_row.inc
Provide a form for setting options.
views_ui_config_item_form in includes/admin.inc
Form to config_item items in the views UI.
views_ui_field_list in includes/admin.inc
List all instances of fields on any views.