function _batch_next_set

7.x _batch_next_set()
6.x _batch_next_set()

Move execution to the next batch set if any, executing the stored form _submit handlers along the way (thus possibly inserting additional batch sets).

1 call to _batch_next_set()
_batch_process in drupal-6.x/includes/
Advance batch processing for 1 second (or process the whole batch if it was not set for progressive execution - e.g forms submitted by drupal_execute).


drupal-6.x/includes/, line 271
Batch processing API for processes to run in multiple HTTP requests.


function _batch_next_set() {
  $batch = &batch_get();
  if (isset($batch['sets'][$batch['current_set'] + 1])) {
    $current_set = &_batch_current_set();
    if (isset($current_set['form_submit']) && ($function = $current_set['form_submit']) && function_exists($function)) {
      // We use our stored copies of $form and $form_state, to account for
      // possible alteration by the submit handlers.
      $function($batch['form'], $batch['form_state']);
    return TRUE;