function _theme_load_registry

7.x _theme_load_registry($theme, $base_theme = NULL, $theme_engine = NULL, $complete = TRUE)
6.x _theme_load_registry($theme, $base_theme = NULL, $theme_engine = NULL)

Get the theme_registry cache from the database; if it doesn't exist, build it.


$theme: The loaded $theme object.

$base_theme: An array of loaded $theme objects representing the ancestor themes in oldest first order.

theme_engine: The name of the theme engine.

1 string reference to '_theme_load_registry'
_init_theme in drupal-6.x/includes/
Initialize the theme system given already loaded information. This function is useful to initialize a theme when no database is present.


drupal-6.x/includes/, line 229
The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.


function _theme_load_registry($theme, $base_theme = NULL, $theme_engine = NULL) {
  // Check the theme registry cache; if it exists, use it.
  $cache = cache_get("theme_registry:$theme->name", 'cache');
  if (isset($cache->data)) {
    $registry = $cache->data;
  else {
    // If not, build one and cache it.
    $registry = _theme_build_registry($theme, $base_theme, $theme_engine);
    _theme_save_registry($theme, $registry);