function install_find_locales

7.x install_find_locales($profilename)
6.x install.php install_find_locales($profilename)

Find all .po files for the current profile.

2 calls to install_find_locales()
install_select_locale in drupal-6.x/install.php
Allow admin to select which locale to use for the current profile.
install_task_list in drupal-6.x/install.php
Add the installation task list to the current page.


drupal-6.x/install.php, line 518


function install_find_locales($profilename) {
  $locales = file_scan_directory('./profiles/' . $profilename . '/translations', '\.po$', array('.', '..', 'CVS'), 0, FALSE);
  array_unshift($locales, (object) array('name' => 'en'));
  return $locales;