function comment_unpublish_action

7.x comment.module comment_unpublish_action($comment, $context = array())
6.x comment.module comment_unpublish_action($comment, $context = array())

Action to unpublish a comment.


$comment: An optional comment object.

$context: Keyed array. Must contain the id of the comment if $comment is not passed.

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2 string references to 'comment_unpublish_action'
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hook_action_info in documentation-6.x/developer/hooks/core.php
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drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module, line 2094
Enables users to comment on published content.


function comment_unpublish_action($comment, $context = array()) {
  if (isset($comment->cid)) {
    $cid = $comment->cid;
    $subject = $comment->subject;
  else {
    $cid = $context['cid'];
    $subject = db_result(db_query("SELECT subject FROM {comments} WHERE cid = %d", $cid));
  db_query('UPDATE {comments} SET status = %d WHERE cid = %d', COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED, $cid);
  watchdog('action', 'Unpublished comment %subject.', array('%subject' => $subject));