function _statistics_link

7.x statistics.module _statistics_link($path, $width = 35)
6.x statistics.module _statistics_link($path, $width = 35)

It is possible to adjust the width of columns generated by the statistics module.

3 calls to _statistics_link()
statistics_node_tracker in drupal-6.x/modules/statistics/
statistics_top_referrers in drupal-6.x/modules/statistics/
Menu callback; presents the "referrer" page.
_statistics_format_item in drupal-6.x/modules/statistics/statistics.module


drupal-6.x/modules/statistics/statistics.module, line 300
Logs access statistics for your site.


function _statistics_link($path, $width = 35) {
  $title = drupal_get_path_alias($path);
  $title = truncate_utf8($title, $width, FALSE, TRUE);
  return l($title, $path);