function trigger_forms

7.x trigger.module trigger_forms()
6.x trigger.module trigger_forms()

Implementation of hook_forms(). We reuse code by using the same assignment form definition for each node-op combination.


drupal-6.x/modules/trigger/trigger.module, line 169
Enables functions to be stored and executed at a later time when triggered by other modules or by one of Drupal's core API hooks.


function trigger_forms() {
  $hooks = module_invoke_all('hook_info');
  foreach ($hooks as $module => $info) {
    foreach ($hooks[$module] as $hook => $ops) {
      foreach ($ops as $op => $description) {
        $forms['trigger_' . $hook . '_' . $op . '_assign_form'] = array('callback' => 'trigger_assign_form');

  return $forms;