function _user_password_dynamic_validation

6.x user.module _user_password_dynamic_validation()

Add javascript and string translations for dynamic password validation (strength and confirmation checking).

This is an internal function that makes it easier to manage the translation strings that need to be passed to the javascript code.

2 calls to _user_password_dynamic_validation()
install_tasks in drupal-6.x/install.php
Tasks performed after the database is initialized.
user_edit_form in drupal-6.x/modules/user/user.module


drupal-6.x/modules/user/user.module, line 2238
Enables the user registration and login system.


function _user_password_dynamic_validation() {
  static $complete = FALSE;
  global $user;
  // Only need to do once per page.
  if (!$complete) {
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'user') . '/user.js', 'module');

      'password' => array(
        'strengthTitle' => t('Password strength:'),
        'lowStrength' => t('Low'),
        'mediumStrength' => t('Medium'),
        'highStrength' => t('High'),
        'tooShort' => t('It is recommended to choose a password that contains at least six characters. It should include numbers, punctuation, and both upper and lowercase letters.'),
        'needsMoreVariation' => t('The password does not include enough variation to be secure. Try:'),
        'addLetters' => t('Adding both upper and lowercase letters.'),
        'addNumbers' => t('Adding numbers.'),
        'addPunctuation' => t('Adding punctuation.'),
        'sameAsUsername' => t('It is recommended to choose a password different from the username.'),
        'confirmSuccess' => t('Yes'),
        'confirmFailure' => t('No'),
        'confirmTitle' => t('Passwords match:'),
        'username' => (isset($user->name) ? $user->name : ''))), 
    $complete = TRUE;