function update_batch

7.x update_batch($start, $redirect = NULL, $url = NULL, $batch = array(), $redirect_callback = 'drupal_goto')
6.x update.php update_batch()
1 call to update_batch()
update.php in drupal-6.x/update.php
Administrative page for handling updates from one Drupal version to another.


drupal-6.x/update.php, line 260
Administrative page for handling updates from one Drupal version to another.


function update_batch() {
  global $base_url;

  $operations = array();
  // Set the installed version so updates start at the correct place.
  foreach ($_POST['start'] as $module => $version) {
    drupal_set_installed_schema_version($module, $version - 1);
    $updates = drupal_get_schema_versions($module);
    $max_version = max($updates);
    if ($version <= $max_version) {
      foreach ($updates as $update) {
        if ($update >= $version) {
          $operations[] = array('update_do_one', array($module, $update));
  $batch = array(
    'operations' => $operations,
    'title' => 'Updating',
    'init_message' => 'Starting updates',
    'error_message' => 'An unrecoverable error has occurred. You can find the error message below. It is advised to copy it to the clipboard for reference.',
    'finished' => 'update_finished',
  batch_process($base_url . '/update.php?op=results', $base_url . '/update.php');