function update_fix_d7_install_profile

7.x update_fix_d7_install_profile()

Register the currently installed profile in the system table.

Installation profiles are now treated as modules by Drupal, and have an upgrade path based on their schema version in the system table.

The installation profile will be set to schema_version 0, as it has already been installed. Any other hook_update_N functions provided by the installation profile will be run by update.php.

1 call to update_fix_d7_install_profile()
update_fix_d7_requirements in drupal-7.x/includes/
Perform Drupal 6.x to 7.x updates that are required for update.php to function properly.


drupal-7.x/includes/, line 795
Drupal database update API.


function update_fix_d7_install_profile() {
  $profile = drupal_get_profile();

  $results = db_select('system', 's')
    ->fields('s', array('name', 'schema_version'))
    ->condition('name', $profile)
    ->condition('type', 'module')

  if (empty($results)) {
    $filename = 'profiles/' . $profile . '/' . $profile . '.profile';

    // Read profile info file
    $info = drupal_parse_info_file(dirname($filename) . '/' . $profile . '.info');

    // Merge in defaults.
    $info = $info + array(
      'dependencies' => array(),
      'description' => '',
      'package' => 'Other',
      'version' => NULL,
      'php' => DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP,
      'files' => array(),

    $values = array(
      'filename' => $filename,
      'name' => $profile,
      'info' => serialize($info),
      'schema_version' => 0,
      'type' => 'module',
      'status' => 1,
      'owner' => '',

    // Installation profile hooks are always executed last by the module system
    $values['weight'] = 1000;

    // Initializing the system table entry for the installation profile

    // Reset the cached schema version.
    drupal_get_installed_schema_version($profile, TRUE);

    // Load the updates again to make sure the installation profile updates
    // are loaded.