function _field_ui_field_name_exists

7.x _field_ui_field_name_exists($value)

Render API callback: Checks if a field machine name is taken.


$value: The machine name, not prefixed with 'field_'.

Return value

Whether or not the field machine name is taken.

1 string reference to '_field_ui_field_name_exists'
field_ui_field_overview_form in drupal-7.x/modules/field_ui/
Form constructor for the 'Manage fields' form of a bundle.


drupal-7.x/modules/field_ui/, line 722
Administrative interface for custom field type creation.


function _field_ui_field_name_exists($value) {
  // Prefix with 'field_'.
  $field_name = 'field_' . $value;

  // We need to check inactive fields as well, so we can't use
  // field_info_fields().
  return (bool) field_read_fields(array('field_name' => $field_name), array('include_inactive' => TRUE));