function system_get_date_types

7.x system.module system_get_date_types($type = NULL)

Gets the list of available date types and attributes.


$type: (optional) The date type name.

Return value

An associative array of date type information keyed by the date type name. Each date type information array has the following elements:

  • type: The machine-readable name of the date type.
  • title: The human-readable name of the date type.
  • locked: A boolean indicating whether or not this date type should be configurable from the user interface.
  • module: The name of the module that defined this date type in its hook_date_format_types(). An empty string if the date type was user-defined.
  • is_new: A boolean indicating whether or not this date type is as of yet unsaved in the database.

If $type was defined, only a single associative array with the above elements is returned.

7 calls to system_get_date_types()
locale_date_format_form in drupal-7.x/modules/locale/
Provide date localization configuration options to users.
locale_date_format_form_submit in drupal-7.x/modules/locale/
Submit handler for configuring localized date formats on the locale_date_format_form.
locale_get_localized_date_format in drupal-7.x/includes/
Select locale date format details from database.
system_add_date_format_type_form_validate in drupal-7.x/modules/system/
Validate system_add_date_format_type form submissions.
system_date_time_settings in drupal-7.x/modules/system/
Form builder; Configure the site date and time settings.

... See full list

2 string references to 'system_get_date_types'
system_add_date_format_type_form in drupal-7.x/modules/system/
Add new date type.
system_date_time_settings in drupal-7.x/modules/system/
Form builder; Configure the site date and time settings.


drupal-7.x/modules/system/system.module, line 3530
Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.


function system_get_date_types($type = NULL) {
  $types = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

  if (!isset($types)) {
    $types = _system_date_format_types_build();

  return $type ? (isset($types[$type]) ? $types[$type] : FALSE) : $types;