function tripal_analysis_admin

2.x tripal_analysis_admin()
3.x tripal_analysis_admin()
1.x tripal_analysis_admin()

Administration page callbacks for the Tripal Analysis module

Return value

A form API array describing an administrative form

1 string reference to 'tripal_analysis_admin'
tripal_analysis_menu in legacy/tripal_analysis/tripal_analysis.module
Implementation of hook_menu(). Entry points and paths of the module


legacy/tripal_analysis/includes/, line 53
Contains functions displaying administrative pages and forms.


function tripal_analysis_admin() {
  // Create a new administrative form. We'll add main functions to the form
  // first (Sync, Reindex, Clean, Taxonify). Thereafter, any sub-module that
  // has a setting will be added.
  $form = array();

  // If your module is using the Chado Node: Title & Path API to allow custom titles
  // for your node type then you need to add the configuration form for this functionality.
  $details = array(
    'module' => 'tripal_analysis', // the name of the MODULE implementing the content type
    'content_type' => 'chado_analysis', // the name of the content type
    // An array of options to use under "Page Titles"
    // the key should be the token and the value should be the human-readable option
    'options' => array(
      '[]' => 'Analysis Name Only',
      // there should always be one options matching the unique constraint.
      '[] ([analysis.sourcename]) [analysis.program] version [analysis.programversion]' => 'Unique Contraint: Includes the name, source and program name/version'
    // the token indicating the unique constraint in the options array
    'unique_option' => '[] ([analysis.sourcename]) [analysis.program] version [analysis.programversion]'
  // This call adds the configuration form to your current form
  // This sub-form handles it's own validation & submit
  chado_add_admin_form_set_title($form, $form_state, $details);

  $details = array(
    'module' => 'tripal_analysis',
    'content_type' => 'chado_analysis',
    'options' => array(
      '/analysis/[analysis.analysis_id]' => 'Analysis ID',
      '/analysis/[analysis.program]/[analysis.programversion]/[analysis.sourcename]' => 'Unique Contraint: Includes the program name & version as well as the source name'

  // This call adds the configuration form to your current form
  // This sub-form handles it's own validation & submit
  chado_add_admin_form_set_url($form, $form_state, $details);

  return system_settings_form($form);